Using the materials covered in tutorials, and the feedback you received on your proposal, further develop your project. Write a formal literature review based on your research, and include a series of social media posts from your chosen subject.ATS2188: Writing Lab Reflection guidelines Due date: End of Week 12: Friday 20 October Submission: ePortfolio Word limit: 600 words (plus or minus 10%) Value: 10% Purpose: To evaluate and reflect on how your individual participation in the unit has contributed to your social media project – either positively or negatively. This is an opportunity to develop some critical thinking skills and to help you appreciate what you have learned during this unit. Details of task: Create a page in the ePortfolio platform, and reflect (by explaining in 600 words) how your participation in this unit has facilitated your strengths, addressed any weaknesses, and how you have developed your skills and abilities in completing the social media project. As Writing Lab is a second-year unit, describe which ideas, skills, suggestions, or feedback from the unit will help you inform your future studies in your chosen degree and/or build a professional presence. Participation might include watching lectures, reading set material, undertaking weekly quizzes, attending tutorials, undertaking tutorial activities, conversations with your peers and/or tutor during tutorials, attending consultation hours, researching for assignments, completing assignments or applying suggestions from your assignment feedback. You may want to include some artifacts to demonstrate learning - e.g. images, examples, new articles you have found. This is not a compulsory component of the reflection. Remember that this page will help you to demonstrate graduate attributes and especially understanding how you have developed your skills, knowledge, and attributes during the semester. Marking Criteria /100 HD D C P N Explanation of participation in unit 20 A sophisticated response demonstrating a high degree of insight and depth, and enthusiastic, diligent participation in the unit. An engaging and effective response demonstrating insight and depth, and diligent participation in the unit. Response demonstrates insight and some degree of participation in the unit. Some insight discernible in response, but this is limited. Demonstrates limited participation in the unit. Response lacks insight, and demonstrates little to no participation in the unit. Articulation of what ideas/suggesti ons/feedback to take into the future university studies 30 Sophisticated interpretation and evaluation of how the learning experience will influence future university studies. A clear, effective interpretation and evaluation of how the learning experience will influence future university studies. Interpretation and evaluation of learning experience are developed, but there are inconsistencies, and/or the connection to future university studies is not evident The learning experience is described, but there is minimal evidence of interpretation and evaluation of how this experience will inform future university studies. Relies on description – limited or no attempt at interpretation or evaluation of the learning experience with regard to future university studies. Structure 30 Ideas are well-linked, balanced and clearly organised, leading to a cohesive response. Ideas are well-linked balanced, and organised leading to a well-rounded response. Ideas are generally well- organised. Response contains essential elements, however, organisation and linking is inconsistent. The response is poorly executed and organised. Written expression 20 Written expression skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity, concision and fluency. Assignment adheres to word count. Written expression clearly conveys meaning to readers. Assignment adheres to word count. Written expression generally conveys meaning to reader, although contains some errors. Word count is slightly higher than required. Meaning and clarity impeded by inconsistencies and inaccuracies in written expression. Assignment is over or under the word count. There are numerous errors and inaccuracies in written expression. Assignment is significantly over or under the word count. media project My subject is the Influencer My scenario is to respond to a current News Event. Scenario details: Ava uncovers evidence that a popular wellness app is selling user data to third-party companies. She decides to leverage her social media influence to expose this unethical behavior. While her followers largely appreciate her for being a whistleblower, she faces legal threats and accusations of defamation from the app company. Social Media Profile Platform: Instagram Username: @WellTechAva Name: Ava Williams | she/her Bio: "Your go-to for wellness & tech ??| Breaking down what you need to know ? | Currently investigating: Is your data really safe?" Location: Melbourne Academic source 1 Marwick, A., & boyd, d. (2011). "To See and Be Seen: Celebrity Practice on Twitter," Convergence, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 139–158. Contribution to Project: This paper explores the practices and strategies employed by celebrities to maintain their public persona on Twitter. It will serve as a foundational framework for understanding how influencers, like the subject of my project, cultivate and maintain an online following. The tactics outlined could provide insights into how my influencer strategically utilizes social media platforms to reach a larger audience when discussing data privacy issues. Academic source 2 Gillespie, T. 2014, 'The Relevance of Algorithms', in Media Technologies: Essays on Communication, Materiality, and Society, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 167-194. Contribution to Project: This chapter discusses how algorithms shape the visibility of online content, an issue central to the discourse of data privacy and surveillance. Understanding these algorithmic frameworks will allow me to delve into the challenges my influencer faces in making data privacy content visible amidst the clutter of social media. Additionally, it could inform the strategies the influencer might employ to maximize the reach of their campaign messages. Academic source 3 Fuchs, C. (2014). "Social Media: A Critical Introduction," Sage. Contribution to Project: This textbook offers a holistic view of the social, political, and economic impacts of social media. By using this as a reference, I can contextualize the data privacy issues my influencer discusses and anchor them in broader societal concerns. The book will serve as a base for understanding the multi-faceted effects of data privacy breaches, enabling me to create nuanced and informed social media content for the influencer profile. Academic source 4 Zuboff, S. (2019). "The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power," PublicAffairs. Contribution to Project: This comprehensive work provides a detailed account of surveillance capitalism, a phenomenon where user data becomes a commodity for corporate interests. It will act as a critical resource for understanding the depth and severity of data misuse, which is the central theme of my influencer’s social media campaign. The book's critical viewpoints can add depth and rigor to the posts, helping the influencer articulate the grave consequences of data misuse effectively. Non-academic source 1 Smith, L. (2021). "The Dark Side of Data Privacy in Health Apps," WIRED. Available at: Contribution to the Project This Wired article delves into real-world instances where influencers took it upon themselves to expose data malpractices. It provides me with a framework of how to proceed with her campaign and what kind of pushback she might expect. This source will be especially useful for creating content that effectively communicates the urgency and importance of data privacy issues to a broad audience. Non-academic source 2 Green, J. (2021). "How Wellness Apps are Failing to Protect User Data," TechCrunch. Available at: This article exposes how specific wellness apps have failed to protect user data. It will serve as a foundation for one of my post stories where my influencer can use snippets or quotes to highlight the gravity of the problem. I might also use statistics or findings from this article to substantiate her Instagram infographic, lending credibility to her claims. My Key Concept: Authenticity Marwick, A. E., & boyd, d. (2011). To see and be seen: Celebrity practice on Twitter. Convergence, 17(2), 139-158. The key concept that best aligns with my social media project, the influencer exposing data malpractices, is "authenticity." In an age where data privacy is a growing concern, maintaining authenticity is critical for any influencer taking on a whistleblower role. Authenticity ensures that my subject's messages are not just compelling but also trustworthy, aiding in the effective transmission of her campaign's key points. My planned social media posts • Instagram: • Static Post: An infographic breaking down how data is often mishandled by some wellness apps, captioned with a brief explanation and a call to action for followers to be more vigilant about their data privacy. • Story Series: A series of slides on her Instagram stories showcasing testimonials from people who've had their data misused by wellness apps. Each story slide ends with a swipe-up link to credible resources about data privacy. • IGTV Video: A 10-minute detailed video where Ava talks about her personal experience and findings regarding data privacy concerns with the particular wellness app