Using the health care topic you chose for assessment task 1, write a structured literature review on your topic. Your literature review must address an answerable clinical question using the PICO...

Using the health care topic you chose for assessment task 1, write a structured literature review on your topic. Your literature review must address an answerable clinical question using the PICO framework (Patient / Population; Intervention / Issue; Comparison intervention if appropriate; Outcome / Outcomes). This question must be clearly stated within the text of your assignment.
After you have identified your clinical question, search the literature using databases identified as relevant for Nursing, Midwifery & Indigenous Health from within the University of Wollongong Library website ( ) and find three (3) research-based journal articles that relate specifically to your chosen topic (these articles must be available to the marker of this assignment from the University of Wollongong Library). They must be research articles – descriptive literature review articles are not acceptable (Systematic reviews and Metaanalysis are acceptable). You will be required to submit a search strategy as part of this assessment task.
Once you have chosen three (3) research based journal articles, write a critical review (i.e. analysis) of the chosen articles. This review should include the following components for each article: a brief description / summary; critical appraisal of the article; identification of strengths & limitations of the study; a discussion of the relevance and impact of the findings on the chosen topic; and an explanation of all research terms using appropriate resources.
Students are expected to utilise appropriate research resources to formulate their critical review. These resources must be cited in the text of your assignment.
After reviewing the information from these three (3) research based journal articles, come to a conclusion about your clinical question based on the articles reviewed. Appropriate research resources should also be used to support your conclusions. This may form the conclusion to your assignment but must synthesise the findings of all three (3) research- based journal articles that you have reviewed.
As stated, your literature review must address an answerable question using the PICO framework. For example, ‘wound care pain’ is NOT a specific topic, but ‘what are the most effective methods of treating pain associated with wound care procedures in adults requiring wound care dressings?’ is a specific question. If you are unsure, please contact the Subject Coordinator for assistance.
Refer to the marking guide in the ‘Assessment Information & Assignment Dropbox’ within the NMIH304 Moodle site.


Oct 07, 2019

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