Using the Gutek textbook, complete the empty white cells in this template. Your responses in each column should reflect the beliefs about that category according to the specific philosophy for that section. This will assist you in comparing the various philosophies. Ensure that the major principles of each philosophy are clarified. Key words, phrases, and short sentences will suffice. Lengthy paragraphs are unnecessary. The textbook aligns with the matrix chronologically, so you will find the information as you read through the book. Much of this information is clear in the text. For a few of the philosophies near the end of the matrix, however, you may need to make some inferences based on the information you read. The following list is to help you consider what should be written in each column.
Syllabus ~ EDUC 535 Secondary Instructional Procedures EDUC 504 PHILOSOPHY MATRIX TEMPLATE Using the Gutek textbook, complete the empty white cells in this template. Your responses in each column should reflect the beliefs about that category according to the specific philosophy for that section. This will assist you in comparing the various philosophies. Ensure that the major principles of each philosophy are clarified. Key words, phrases, and short sentences will suffice. Lengthy paragraphs are unnecessary. The textbook aligns with the matrix chronologically, so you will find the information as you read through the book. Much of this information is clear in the text. For a few of the philosophies near the end of the matrix, however, you may need to make some inferences based on the information you read. The following list is to help you consider what should be written in each column. Metaphysics = What is reality/truth? What is purpose and meaning in life? Epistemology = Is it possible to know reality/truth? If so, how? Axiology = What values should be developed in education? Learner’s Nature = What is the role of the learner? What is the human condition? Good? Bad? Neutral? What learner factors should be considered in education? Teacher’s Role = What is the most effective approach the teacher should take? Curricular Focus = What content is most important? Methodology = What pedagogical strategies are most effective? Criticisms = What do opponents of this philosophy/theory say about it? (The names beside each philosophy are just for reference to help you connect the philosophy with specific philosophers.) Traditional Philosophies IDEALISM (Plato) Metaphysics Epistemology Axiology Learner’s Nature Teacher’s Role Curricular Focus Methodology Criticisms Ideal exists in a world of perfect ideas, the universe and timeless concepts of truth, True knowledge is intellectual and eternal. It fits in to a perfect universe. Learning a system of truth, and focusing on goodness, beauty and justice Focus on goodness and beauty. Strive for perfection. Always learning and Teacher should embody the finest and highest qualities of the cluture Focuses on subjects that bring students into contact with ideas. Humanistic focus. Focuses mainly on written or spoken language. Uses verbal lectures and readings. That education is only for the elite. Education is seen as an “ivory tower Page 1 of 10 EDUC 504 goodness, justice and beauty. working. and pass their knowledge on to their student. They are their to be a model for students. To lead individuals to the truth. experience”. Plato focuses on the past rather then what he could learn from the past and apply it to the future. REALISM (Aristotle) Metaphysics Epistemology Axiology Learner’s Nature Teacher’s Role Curricular Focus Methodology Criticisms The connection between the soul and the body. The soul a man is divided into two: higher and lower, higher is the reason that brings us closer to the ultimate truth while lower consists of emotions and sentiments. Sensation- the process humans use to acquire sensory information. Abstract- the process of sorting sensory information. The process of knowning starts with our sense. The purpose is to know the truth and All objects are composed of matter. Theory of four causes. Material cause is the matter from which it is made. Formal cause give the object structure. Efficient cause the agent who actualizes the potential of the object. Genuine learning requires the desire to know. Education seeks to understand the essence of the timeless, universal principles that rule over human existence The teacher is not just there to catagorise things. They are there to falicitate tasks and inspire deeper thinking. Curriculum should be established based on the essence of a human being. Elements that are unchanging regargless of time, place and circumstacnces. Learning through your senses. Providing students with opportunities to examine, observe and deal with objects. Believed that art was not important to a society and hindered learning. His theories of matter and how it is formed only works some of the time. Page 2 of 10 EDUC 504 We live in an object order of reality. A world of objects that exist outside our mids but we can come to know using our senses. aquire knowledge. Final cause the purpose of the object. NEO-SCHOLASTICISM (Thomas Aquinas) Metaphysics Epistemology Axiology Learner’s Nature Teacher’s Role Curricular Focus Methodology Criticisms The universe and life was created by God. The puroplse of life is that the soul should live eternally with God in heaven, The natural process of knowing is enhanced y the human beings cooperation with suprenatural grace and acceptencce of the truth of Christian doctrine. Education is delberatly comminted to cultivating supernatural values in the goal of forming Christlike individuals. Knowledge does not always lead to morality. It is more important to have morals then knowledge. Must be an active participant in the teacher- learner relationship. He or she must possesss the potential for intellectually grasping and appropriating knowledge. A mature person, possesses a disciplined body of knowledge or skill and though deliberate instruction seekd to impart this on to a learner. Good teachers should be movtivated by a love of truth, a love Curriculum focuses on the relationship with God and creating moral people. Instruction is primarily a verbal process. Where the teacher illustrates the principles using carefully selected language. His theories required a belief in the supernatural and a supreme being. Students had to believe in the Christian doctorin. Page 3 of 10 EDUC 504 of persons and a love of God. . Modern Philosophies PRAGMATISM (William James, John Dewey) Metaphysics Epistemology Axiology Learner’s Nature Teacher’s Role Curricular Focus Methodology Criticisms A complete and perfect universe vould be approached only distantly and abstractly. Rejected the philosophy that provided security by absolute and unchanging truth. People lived by successfully interacting with their environment and the people in it. Ideas are not fiexed in time and space but are always evolving. Truth is not absolute but something that changes with time and developments. The idea that self- realization would be achieved in the human realm instead of the spiritual realm. Importance of embrasing human relationships. Methods of shared scientific intelligence should be applied to moral, ethical and aesthetic issues. The learner has freedom that they are able to find in an open classroom environment where they are able to use experimental inquiry to examine and test beliefs and values. Student should be self- directed and self- disciplined. To facilitiate communicat ios as social agents. It is the teachers job to guide the class and create a classroom that has the freedom to question and test values and beliefes. Teachers do not transmit knowledge to students. Focused on the cooperative nature of shared human experience. The common, communication and the community. Common-ideas, values and objects shared by members of a group. Communication - occurs when people frame and scpress their shared experinces of the common. Community- the human association that results as individuals Self- corrections- which was achieved by allowing students to make mistakes and learning from them. Self-direction- students decided the path in which their lesson went. Self- disciplined- students used internal drive to learn, teachers and parents did not push students to learn. Encouraging disorderly permissivene ss in schools. Allows too much freedom in the classroom. Page 4 of 10 EDUC 504 come together. EXISTENTIALISM (Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Sartre, Heidegger, etc) Metaphysics Epistemology Axiology Learner’s Nature Teacher’s Role Curricular Focus Methodology Criticisms Our lives are situated in given facts of existence. We live in specific, concrete context-space- at a particular time. It is possible to know truth by becoming an authentic person in the aesthetic, the ethical and the religious stages of life. Individuals are responsible for constructing their own knowledge and process of knowing. The value of individuality and authincity. Perspective on space and time, its seach for authenticity in groups and school contests and in ambigious situations and it concern for social justice. Only the learner can come face to face with his or her responsibility of self- definition. It is as much the learners own responsibility to create the intensity of awreness as it is the teachers. Seeks to stimulate an “intensity of awareness” in the learner, enoucrage the quest for personal truth by asking wiestion that concern life’s meaning.