Using the following instruction below, write a header class for unorderedLinkedList with a function of search, insertFirst, insertLast and deleteNode. Use the library to write a program to show an operation on an unordered linked list. write in C++ program.
- Include the
unorderedLinkedList.h library in the codes
- Initialize a
list1 and
list2 as unorderedLinkedList type
- Declare a variable
numas integer data type
- Print out an instruction for user to input a numbers ending with -99
- Get a numbers from user input
- Use a while loop to insert the numbers into list1 ending with -99
- Print out the current elements in List 1
- Assign list 2 to list 1
- Print out the elements in list 2
- Print the length of list 2
- Get user input for the number to be deleted
- Delete the number requested by user in list2
- Print out the elements in the list after delete operation
- Print the length of list 2
- Declare the
intItvariable to be linked list iterator
- Print out the elements in List 1 using iterator