Using the following data, calculate (a) gross domestic product (GDP); (b) net domestic product (NDP);
(c) national income (NI); (d) personal income (PI). All
numbers are in billions of dollars.
Consumption $1,149.5
Investment 400.3
Government purchases 425.3
Net exports 89.1
Capital consumption allowance 303.8
Indirect business taxes 213.3
Statistical discrepancy 4.4
Social Security insurance taxes 216.5
Transfer payments 405.6
Undistributed profits 91.0
Corporate profits taxes 77.7
Personal taxes 340.0
Dividends 0.0
Compensation of employees 800.0
Income earned from the rest of the world 50.0
Income earned by the rest of the world 56.0
Proprietors’ income 400.0
Rental income 145.0
Net interest 23.0
Is aggregate demand a specific dollar amount? For
example, would it be correct to say that aggregate
demand is $9 trillion this year?