Using the extensions described at the end of this section, write a program to copy the contents of five contiguous memory cells starting at address A0 to the five cells starting at address B0. Assume...

Using the extensions described at the end of this section, write a program to copy the contents of five contiguous memory cells starting at address A0 to the five cells starting at address B0. Assume your program starts at address 00. In the chapter, we introduced a machine instruction of the form DR0S. Suppose we extended this form to DRXS, meaning “Load register R with the data pointed to by the value in register S plus the value X.” Thus the pointer to the data is obtained by retrieving the value in register S and then incrementing that value by X. The value in register S is not altered. (If register F contained 04, then the instruction DE2F would load register E with the contents of the memory cell at address 06. The value of register F would remain 04.) What advantages would this instruction have? What about an instruction of the form DRTS—meaning “Load register R with the data pointed to by the value in register S incremented by the value in register T”?

May 19, 2022

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