Using the dialog boxes in the JOptionPane class, write a program that calculates and prints the monthly paycheck for an employee. Use the class name “LastnameClasscodeFinal1”. The net pay is...

Using the dialog boxes in the JOptionPane class, write a program that calculates and prints the

monthly paycheck for an employee. Use the class name “LastnameClasscodeFinal1”. The net

pay is calculated after taking the following deductions:

a) Federal Income Tax: 15%

b) State Tax: 3.5%

c) Social Security Tax: 5.75%

d) Medicare/Medicaid Tax: 2.75%

e) Pension Plan” 5%

f) Health Insurance: $ 75.00

Your program should prompt the user to input the gross amount and the employee name. Format

the output to have two decimal places. A sample output follows:

Sep 05, 2022

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