Using the code posted below use something different than enumerate in this code (rewrite a different code just for the parts that say enumerate) and make sure it runs.
n=int(input("Number of rounds of Hangman to be played:"))
for i in range(0,n):
word = input("welcome!")
guesses = ''
turns = int(input("Enter the number of failed attempts allowed:"))
def hangman(word):
secrete_word = "-" * len(word)
print(" the secrete word " + secrete_word)
user_input = input("Guess a letter: ")
if user_input in word:
occurences = findOccurrences(word, user_input)
for index in occurences:
secrete_word = secrete_word[:index] + user_input + secrete_word[index + 1:]
user_input = input("Sorry that letter was not found, please try again: ")
def findOccurrences(s, ch):
return [i for i, letter in enumerate(s) if letter == ch] *** enumerate not discussed in class ***
if user_input in word:
occurences = findOccurrences(word, user_input)
for index in occurences:
secrete_word = secrete_word[:index] + user_input + secrete_word[index + 1:]
user_input = input("Sorry that was not the right letter, please try again: ")
def findOccurrences(s, ch):
return [i for i, letter in enumerate(s) if letter == ch] *** enumerate not discussed in class ***
#n=int(input("Number of rounds of Hangman to be played:"))
#for i in range(0,n):
#word = input("")
guesses = '' *** Once it gets to this line it does not run ****
turns = int(input("Enter the number of failed attempts allowed:"))
while turns > 0:
failed = 0
for char in word:
if char in guesses:
print (char)
print ("_"),
failed = failed+1
if failed == 0:
print ("Won")
guess = input("Guess a character:")
guesses = guesses+guess
if guess not in word:
turns =turns-1
print ("Wrong")
print ("Number of guesses left:",turns)
if turns == 0: