Using signed 16-bit numbers , convert the following statement in C++ to Assembly language. (Example of an assembly language and how it should look like: movf i,w subwf j,w movf i+1, w subwfb j+1,w bc...

Usingsigned 16-bit numbers, convert the following statement in C++ to Assembly language.
(Example of an assembly language and how it should look like: movf i,w subwf j,w movf i+1, w subwfb j+1,w bc end_if movf j,w addwf i,w movwf m movf j+1,w addwfc i+1,w movwf m+1 end_if)

signed char i, j, k;

if (i <>


                        k = j - i;


// … rest of code …

Jun 09, 2022

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