Using Python. ***Please explain the process of applying the use of sequential input and output operations to add the functionalities.*** For this interactive assignment, you will apply all the...

Using Python. ***Please explain the process of applying the use of sequential input and output operations to add the functionalities.*** For this interactive assignment, you will apply all the concepts you learned in previous weeks and apply the use of sequential input and output operations to add two new functionalities to your Employee Management System. Export employees’ information to text file: This functionality will allow the user to save the employee information saved in the list to the file system. Each list entry should be saved into a new line. You may notice by now that closing the script will cost your Employee Management System to lose all entered employees’ information. Exporting the current system data into a file system will help you to save this information permanently on the hard disk and be able to use it at later time. Import employees’ information from text file: This functionality will help you to import pre-existing employee information from a text file saved on the file system. Each line in the text should be saved as a new list entry. When you run your Employee Management System for the first time you should be able to populate the system with pre-existing employee information, if there are any, instead of adding this information manually to the system. Once you have completed the functionalities, provide the following in your initial post: One screen shot of each completed functionality. An explanation of how you applied the use of sequential input and output operations to add the two new functionalities to the Employee Management System. A brief description the purpose of this functionality. The script for each functionality. Employee Management System: employees = [] count = 0 def Add_ Employee (): global count Employee = [] count+=1 print ('Enter name of employee:’ end='') Employee. Append (input ()) print ('Enter employee SSN:’ end ='') Employee. Append (input ()) print ('Enter employee phone number:’ end='') Employee. Append (input ()) print ('Enter employee email:’ end='') Employee. Append (input ()) print ('Enter employee salary:’ end='') Employee. Append (input ()) employees. Append (Employee) def view_all_Employees(): for i in employees: print(''+i[0]+-') print('SSN:', i[1]) print('Phone:', i[2]) print('Email:', i[3]) print('Salary:', i[4]) print(')defsearch_Employee(ss): findIdex = 0 for i in employees: if(i[1]==ss): return findIdex find Index+=1 return-1 while(True): print('Enter -1 to exit') print('Enter 1 to add employee') print('Enter 2 to view all employees') print('Enter 3 to search employee by SSN') print('Enter 4 to update employee information') a=int(input()) if(a==-1): break elif(a==1): Add Employee() print() elif(a==2): view_all_Employees() print() elif(a==3): ssn = input('Enter the SSN number to find employee:') empIndex = search_Employee(ssn) if(empIndex>=0): print(' '+employees[empIndex][0]+' ')print('SSN:', employees[empIndex][1]) print('Phone:', employees[empIndex][2]) print('Email:', employees[empIndex][3]) print('Salary:', employees[empIndex][4]) print("\n") else: print('Employee with' +ssn+'is not found.\n') elif(a==4): ssn=input('Enter the SSN number to update employee:') empIndex = search_Employee(ssn) if(empIndex>=0): employees[empIndex][0]= input('Enter updated name:') employees[empIndex][2]= input('Enter updated phone number:') employees[empIndex][3]= input('Enter updated email address:') employees[empIndex][4]= input('Enter updated name salary:') print('Employee information has been updated successfully.\n') else: print('Employee with' +ssn+ 'is not found.\n') else: print('Invalid output')
May 19, 2022

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