Using C language Write a function that determines standart deviation of float array. The function takes dataset as a float array parameter!! And it also return result as a float. (Clue: calculate...

Using C language

Write a function that determines standart
deviation of float array. The function takes dataset as a
float array parameter!! And it also return result as a
(Clue: calculate average first)

Definations: in the image

σ = standard deviation
xi = each value of dataset
? (with a bar over it) = the arithmetic mean of the data
(This symbol will be indicated as average of dataset)
N = the total number of data points
(if you need square root of some number you can use sqrt
function in math.h library. Usage example: a=sqrt(b);
which means “a” is equal to square root of “b”)

Definations:<br>N<br>O =<br>(x; – x)2<br>

Extracted text: Definations: N O = (x; – x)2

Jun 10, 2022

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