Using C++ Language The following data points refers to three dimensional co-ordinates (x, y, and z axes, respectively) in each line. The numbers are separated by a tab space. Save this data in an...

Using C++ Language

The following data points refers to three dimensional co-ordinates (x, y, and z axes,

respectively) in each line. The numbers are separated by a tab space. Save this data in an

input file named data.dat.

10 23 -17

11 -15 19

3 0 17

-7 8 12

Define a structure with three integer members – one each for the x, y and z axis', and one

member of double data type – named distance.

Using a function, read the data in into an array of structures. Your program must be generic

and you cannot assume there are only 4 lines of data. You CANNOT open the file in this

function, it MUST be done in the main function.

In your main function, prompt the user to enter a three-dimensional point.

In a separate function, determine which of the points in the file (now in the array) is closest

to the point entered by the user. This function must have the structure name as the

return type.

To do this, you need to evaluate the three-dimensional distance between each structure

point and the user entered point using the formula:

√(?1 −?2)2 +(?1 −?2)2 +(?1 −?2)2

and save the computed distance in the distance member variable.

You have to find the minimum of the computed distances and return the corresponding


In your main function, display the corresponding structure –the minimum distance as well

as the three-dimensional point.

Jun 08, 2022

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