Using C++ complete the following program 10.18: Phone Number List Write a program that has an array of at least 50 string objects that hold people’s names and phone numbers. The program then reads...

Using C++ complete the following program

10.18: Phone Number List

Write a program that has an array of at least 50 string objects that hold people’s names and phone numbers. The program then reads lines of text from a file named


into the array.

The program should ask the user to enter a name or partial name to search for in the array. All entries in the array that match the string entered should be displayed-- thus there may be more than one entry displayed.

Prompts And Output Labels.
The program prints the message "Enter a name or partial name to search for: " and then after the user enters a some input and hits return, the program skips a line, and prints the heading: "Here are the results of the search:", followed by each matched string in the array on a line by itself.

Input Validation.

May 19, 2022

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