Using a single news report on a young offender or type of youth crime, critically evaluate media representations of youth crime. The evaluation report should draw on academic literature and research...

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Using a single news report on a young offender or type of youth crime, critically evaluate media representations of youth crime.

The evaluation report should draw on academic literature and research about the extent and nature of youth crime.

Section 1: Assessment of media source

Here you must evaluate how the media source represents youth offending/offenders different from reality.

To do this you need to draw on government reports, academic literature, theoretical arguments and other evidence. For example, you may want to consider:

- Does it suggest that this type of crime happens more/less frequently than other sources (e.g. official statistics, self-report surveys, research) would suggest?

- How does it represent the nature of the young offender – is this typical/atypical given what we know about youth crime from other sources (e.g. official crime statistics, academic research)?

Section 2: Apply the concepts learnt from the essential and supplementary readings

(Main discussion)

To do this you need to use theories and/or concepts to explain the youth crime you selected. You may also apply any relevant criminological theory to explain so.

2. To what extent does the media inform and misinform us about the nature and extent of youth crime, and what is the impact of such representation?

Answered Same DayAug 05, 2020

Answer To: Using a single news report on a young offender or type of youth crime, critically evaluate media...

Soumi answered on Aug 09 2020
157 Votes
Table of Contents
Section 1: Assessment of Media Source    3
Evaluating if Media represents Youth Crime More or Less Frequently than in Reality    3
Evaluating the way Media represents the Nature of
the Young Offender than in Reality    3
Section 2: Applying the Concepts on Youth Criminology    3
Applying Criminology Theory to explain the Selected Youth Crime    3
Extent to which Media informed or misinformed the Nature as well as Level of Youth Crime, and its Impact    4
References    5
Section 1: Assessment of Media Source
Evaluating if Media represents Youth Crime More or Less Frequently than in Reality
Delinquency is the act of juveniles indulging in crimes. As mentioned by Greer and Reiner (2015), crime is defined as any act, which threatens the moral and ethical turpitude of a society and therefore any diversion from the stipulated behavior; impose a threat to the standards of the society. Usually juveniles consist of young adults who have not attaint the age of majority as per the laws of the land. The same act if performed by an adult would be termed as a crime. As mentioned by Borzekowski et al. (2015), delinquent acts are not only performed out of frustration with society but also for a need to attain psychological satisfaction. As opined, only 2% of the crimes are reported in media or are pursued in courts of law (NBC News, 2018). It is usually the exaggerated ones, which manage to be in media’s attention compared to the ones which go unnoticed. In addition, there are times when due to stigma or peer pressure, the victims of the act prefer not to report the incidents, which is why the frequency, in which the crimes take place are underreported in the media
Evaluating the way Media represents the Nature of the Young Offender than in Reality
Commercialization of media has its positive impacts. Presently, with the media firms focusing on their popularity quotient usually, juveniles are subjected to more public attention. In addition, perceived reality and actual reality are different; therefore, the media representation of a fact and the real fact may vary. Moreover, crimes are reported basis the witness’s versions, which at times might get tampered or distorted owing to various reasons. Crimes, as stated by Brennan et al. (2015), at times are exaggeratedly showcased to improve the viewership of the media company of manipulated owing to the pressure from external environment on...

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