Using 2 classes and the main class will be MidtermP2Demo Develop a Java program that lets the user input the elements of an array of ints which has 10 slots and output the following: sumAll(): Sum of...

Using 2 classes and the main class will be

Develop a Java program that lets the user input the elements of an array of ints which has 10 slots and output the following:

Sum of the elements in the array

Average of the elements in the array

Highest value in the array

Lowest value in the array

Greatest common divisor of the elements

Least common denominator of the elements

Sum of all even numbers/elements

Sum of all odd numbers/elements

Sum of the square roots of the elements

sumPrimes(): Sum of all prime numbers/elements

Classes: MidtermP2,

Develop a Java program that lets the user input the elements of an array of ints which has 10 slots and output the following:<br>• sumAll(): Sum of the elements in the array<br>• averageAll(): Average of the elements in the array<br>• max(): Highest value in the array<br>• min(): Lowest value in the array<br>• gcd(0: Greatest common divisor of the elements<br>• Icd(): Least common denominator of the elements<br>• sumEven(): Sum of all even numbers/elements<br>• sumodd(): Sum of all odd numbers/elements<br>• sumSqrt(): Sum of the square roots of the elements<br>• sumPrimes(): Sum of all prime numbers/elements<br>Classes: MidtermP2, MidtermP2Demo<br>

Extracted text: Develop a Java program that lets the user input the elements of an array of ints which has 10 slots and output the following: • sumAll(): Sum of the elements in the array • averageAll(): Average of the elements in the array • max(): Highest value in the array • min(): Lowest value in the array • gcd(0: Greatest common divisor of the elements • Icd(): Least common denominator of the elements • sumEven(): Sum of all even numbers/elements • sumodd(): Sum of all odd numbers/elements • sumSqrt(): Sum of the square roots of the elements • sumPrimes(): Sum of all prime numbers/elements Classes: MidtermP2, MidtermP2Demo

Jun 11, 2022

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