Use the following balance of payments data for China (Mainland) from the IMF to answer the following:
Is China experiencing a net capital inflow or outflow?
What is China's total for Groups A and B?
What is China's total for Groups A through C?
What is China's total for Groups A through D?
Does China's BOP balance?

Extracted text: Use the following balance of payments data for China (Mainland) from the IMF to answer Problems 3.100-3.140. Assumptions 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (million USS) A. Current 134,082 231,844 353,183 420,569 243,257 237,810 136,097 215,392 148,204 277,434 330,602 account balance В. Саpital 4,102 4,020 3,099 3,051 3,938 4,630 5,446 4,272 3,052 -33 316 асcount balance C. Financial 96,944 45,285 91,132 37,075 194,494 282,234 260,024 -36,038 343,048 -51,361 -485,614 асcount balance D. Net errors 15,847 3,502 13,237 18,859 -41,181 -53,016 -13,768 -87,071 -62,922 -108,257 -188,245 and omissions E. Reserves -250,975 -284,651 -460,651 -479,554 -400,508 -471,658 -387,799 -96,555 -431,382 -117,784 342,941 and related items