Use the Car and RaceCar classes you created in the You Do It section of this chapter, or create them now. Make the following changes: a. Add fields to the Car class to hold a Car identification number...

Use the Car and RaceCar classes you created in the You Do It section of this chapter, or

create them now. Make the following changes:

a. Add fields to the Car class to hold a Car identification number and the number of miles

the Car has traveled.

b. Add a function to set the Car number. Add a function to increase the miles a Car has

traveled in the last hour. The function adds the current speed (in miles per hour) to the

number of miles traveled. Add a function to return the miles a Car has traveled so you

can display the value.

c. Alter the turnIgnitionOn()function to initialize miles traveled to zero. Alter the

showCar()function to display the newly added Car number and miles traveled in

addition to the other Car data.

d. Write a main()function that declares a Car and a RaceCar. Set a constant distance

for the length of a race—for example, 500 miles. Assign numbers to the cars, start them,

and while they have not traveled more than the race distance, select a random number

under 200 to use to set the speed of both cars, and then increase the number of miles

each car has traveled. (Because the Car and RaceCar have different maximum speeds,

during some hours they will travel at different speeds. Appendix E contains instructions

on producing random numbers.) After one of the cars exceeds the race distance, display

the winner. Save the file as Race.cpp.

e. Alter the main()function so that different random speeds are used for each car. Save

the file as Race2.cpp.

f. Alter the main()function so that both cars are RaceCars. Save the file as Race3.cpp.

g. Alter the main()function so it becomes a game. Start the user with $100 cash and ask

the user to bet an amount of money on which RaceCar will win the race. After the

race, if the user is correct, add the bet to the user’s cash, otherwise, subtract it. Display

the user’s total winnings. Continue to run races as long as the user places a bet greater

than 0. When the user is done, display the final cash value. Save the file as Race4.cpp.

May 19, 2022

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