#include "stack.h"
void initialize(Sstack *L)//initialize a stack
{//initiate a stack
int stackIsEmpty(Sstack *L)//check if the stack is empty. If it is empty, return 1, else return 0.
{//determine an empty stack
int push(Sstack *L, Elemtype x)//Push element into stack. If the stack is full, hint the user and return 0. Else, push the element into the stack and return 1.
{//push element x into stack
Elemtype pop(Sstack *L)//Stack pop:if the stack is empty return 0,else pop an element and return the value of poped element.
{//pop an element
Elemtype a;
Elemtype getTop(Sstack *L)//read and return the value of the top element.
{//get the top element
void conversion( )//Number conversion
ElemType e;
Sstack *L;
;//allocate stack memory for L
;//Initialize L;
int N;
printf("Please input a number to be converted\n");
while(N)//When N is not 0
printf("The number converted into octal form is\n");//output the changed number
void main()//main function
conversion( );