Use Python to write the program should play the rock-paper-scissors game, which is where the player picks either rock, paper, or scissors, the computer does the same, and then one of the following happens:
- Rock breaks scissors
- Paper covers rock
- Scissors cut paper
- There is a tie (both players picked the same thing)
If the user enters invalid input, your program should say so, otherwise, it will output one of the above results. You should randomly generate a number to determine the computer's move. The game should repeat until the user wants to exit the game.
The program should have the following:
- repeat until the user wants to exit the game (it would be nice to ask the user whether he/she wants to continue the game.)
- try testing for "scissor". The game should be a tie when the computer's move is also scissor. - have at least 2 functions.
-The program should accept input of upper-case and/or lower-case letters. You can use the string's .lower() function to convert it to lower case.
-The program should have at least 2 functions, including a main() function (no global variables or global code other than a call to main within an if-statement).
-Every function (except main) needs to have a comment in a triple-quoted string at the beginning, briefly explaining what it does.