U.S. Manufactured General Aviation Shipments, 1984–2016
Year Planes Year Planes Year Planes Year Planes
1984 3,289 1992 1,799 2000 3,674 2008 3,937
1985 2,887 1993 1,822 2001 3,492 2009 2,443
1986 2,353 1994 1,786 2002 3,065 2010 2,192
1987 1,943 1995 1,935 2003 2,995 2011 2,181
1988 2,070 1996 1,973 2004 3,213 2012 2,374
1989 2,393 1997 2,407 2005 3,715 2013 2,473
1990 2,002 1998 3,058 2006 4,005 2014 2,489
1991 1,879 1999 3,362 2007 4,137 2015 2,450
Make a forecast for 2016 using a method of your choice (including a judgment forecast). Justify your method. (Round your answer to the nearest whole number.)