Unknown #1: Preliminary Identification (20 Points) You have been given an unknown compound. In the first part of this lab, you will examine the physical properties, solubility, and elemental analysis...

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Identification of unknown

Unknown #1: Preliminary Identification (20 Points) You have been given an unknown compound. In the first part of this lab, you will examine the physical properties, solubility, and elemental analysis of the unknown. Fill out the information below as bet as possible. A successful determination of the functional group in your unknown compound is dependent upon the following examinations. You will be graded on how accurate and diligent you perform. At the final step you must predict two potential function group that your compound might contain AND explain your reason for choosing that function group. DO NOT SEPARATE/TEAR THE PAGES OF THE UNKNOWN EXAMINATION! Unknown 1: Final Examination (20 points) In the second part of the unknown lab you will first isolate which functional group (of the two you predicted) is present. You will then prepare 2 derivatives of your unknown in an attempt to identify the actual unknown compound. Fill out the information below as best as possible. You will be graded on how accurate your answers are for your unknown. At the final step you must identify your unknown compound. DO NOT SEPARATE THE PAGES FOR THE UNKNOWN EXAMINATIONS! Unknown Number: 7 1. Physical Properties (5 points): Solid or Liquid: Solid Color: Yellow Ignition Test: Flammability: Yellow, sooty flame Manner of melting: no residue Odor of Gases: no odor Bellstein Test (testing for halogens): no green flame Melting Point: 83 oC Boiling Point: 2. Solubility (5 points): H2O: Insoluble 5% or 10% NaOH: Insoluble 5% or 10% HCl: Insoluble 5% or 10% NaHCO3: Insoluble Reactivity with H2SO4: (+) Reaction 3. Elemental Analysis (Sodium Fusion) (5 points): Nitrogen: Negative Bromine: Negative Chlorine: Negative (+): 2,4- DNPH 4. Prediction of functional group present and reasoning why (5 points): 1. 2. Unknown # 7 1. Narrowing your functional group (5 points). Give the details as to what tests you did to narrow your functional group (including whether it’s 1o, 2o, or 3o as for amines/alcohols) (-): Chromic Acid (-) : Iodoform Test -----------------------------(5 points) 2. Derivative #1 (5 points): Reagent used: Phenylhydrazine Predicted derivative compound: Phenylhydrazone Predicted derivative compound melting point: 151 oC Experimental melting point: 147-149 oC 3. Derivative #2 (5 points): Reagent used: Hydroxylamine chloride Predicted derivative compound: oxime Predicted compound melting point: 195 oC Experimental melting point: 189-192 oC 4. Name your unknown compound (5 points):
Answered Same DayMar 24, 2021

Answer To: Unknown #1: Preliminary Identification (20 Points) You have been given an unknown compound. In the...

Jayageetha answered on Mar 28 2021
147 Votes
Unknown #1: Preliminary Identification (20 Points)
You have been given an unknown compound. In the
first part of this lab, you will examine the physical properties, solubility, and elemental analysis of the unknown. Fill out the information below as bet as possible. A successful determination of the functional group in your unknown compound is dependent upon the following examinations. You will be graded on how accurate and diligent you perform. At the final step you must predict two potential function group that your compound might contain AND explain your reason for choosing that function group. DO NOT SEPARATE/TEAR THE PAGES OF THE UNKNOWN EXAMINATION!
Unknown 1: Final Examination (20 points)
In the second part of the unknown lab you will first isolate which functional group (of the two you predicted) is present. You will then prepare 2 derivatives of your unknown in an attempt to identify the actual unknown compound. Fill out the information below as best as possible. You...

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