University of Canberra
Faculty of ScienceandTechnology
Mobile Technologies
Image Classification Using IBM Watson AI & MLCloud Services
Submission date:23:55Sunday31/03/2019(Week7)
Type:Individual assignment
Submission:Acompressed (.zip)file that contains the following:
•YourentireAndroidStudio project, and•Your report (MS Word file) that contains screenshots for all activities in your program.
Submit thiscompressed (.zip)file viaCanvas site of this unit.Email submission is not accepted.
Total mark:15
Proportion ofunitassessment:15%
Late submission:5% of the total mark(i.e., 0.75 mark)per day.
Task:Design and implement an Androidapplicationwith the requirements listed below.
The user can turn on the camera on a mobile phone or tablet to capture photo ofobjects(fruits orpeople or abusiness cardor others). The user can also load an existing image ofsuch objectsfrom the current device. The image from camera or loadedwill beautomatically sent toIBM Watson ArtificialIntelligence& MachineLearningCloud Servicesfor image processingand classification.The results will beeitherrecognised fruits (apple, banana, etc.)or recognisedfacecharacteristics (number of faces,ages, genders, etc.) or recognised text (name, job title, contact details, etc. for business card)or others. These resultswill be sent backintextformatto the app. The appdisplaystheseresultstothe user to editthen save toa local databasetogether with the image. The app also listsallimagesand resultsas list itemsforthe usertosee and editthen save.Seethescreen shots belowfor more details.
If the user taps onStart
Runtheappthen clickStart Alist of itemsappears
These items are retrieved from a local database
If the user taps on an item
If the user taps onAdd All details of selected item appear
These details are retrieved from a database If the user taps onEdit
The user can edit alldetailsthensave, orcancel.
The updated details are saved to the same database
If the user taps onLoadimage
If the usertaps onCapture
The user can edit all details(item name and results)
If the user taps onCancelorSave
•The menu contains at least 2 menu items as short cuts to 2 activities.
•Keep the same marginonleft and right, andontop and bottomfor all images, text and titles as seenin the screenshots above. Do the same for padding(–5marksif margin and padding are not properly set).
•Handling all exceptions (–1markfor each exception found at runtime).•Your Android project must be created by you using Android Studio. Any Android project converted from Eclipse or non-Android Studio project is not accepted. You cannot use an existing Android Studio project from other developers to implement your project (–15marks)
Hints will be provided inlectures andtutorialsinWeeks2-7.Pleasereview UCStudent Academic Integrity Policyin the unit outlineto avoid plagiarism.
Marking guideline(15 marks)
Zeromark for thisappif
a.Thecompressed file for this projectnot found, orb.Cannot open the compressed file, orc.CannotrunonAndroid Studio.
a.Correct implementation of 8 activities below(1 mark per activity) 8 marksb.Correct implementation of11redactions below 6marksc.Correct implementation ofat least 2 menu items as short cuts to 2 activities 1markd.Margin and padding are not properly designed –5 markse.For each exception found at runtime –1 mark
Note: We cannot capture a photo using the camera on the emulator, so the following test is accepted: Click Capture button -> camera is on -> take a photo -> click OK (accept) to close camera -> displayablankitem name andblankresulton Activity 8 ->editthese itemson Activity 4-> click Save -> display Activity 2.
•Margin and padding examples.
Text and image arenotproperly designed properly designed