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Unit MBIS5013 Sustainability and Enterprise 4.0 Assessment Type Portfolio Assessment # 1 Assessment Weighting Portfolio of annotated bibliography on sustainability and Enterprise 4.0 30% Alignment with Unit and Course Unit Learning Outcomes Graduate Attributes Assessed ULO01: Explain key concepts of sustainability and enterprise 4.0, and explore the interconnection between the natural environment, society and the economy to determine sustainable and successful business practices. ULO02: Critically analyse the trends and challenges that impact businesses and their information systems by applying sustainability, business and information systems-related theories. GA 1: Communication GA 2: Collaboration GA 3: Research GA 4: Critical Thinking GA 5: Ethical Behaviour GA 6: Flexibility Due Date/Time Week 5 Online Moodle Submission; by 11:59 PM (AEST) Saturday of Week 5 Assessment Description In this assessment, you will work individually. The topics for this assessment will be discussed during the lecture: therefore, it is vital that you attend the classes regularly. You will build up to a portfolio of annotated bibliography from the topics covered in the first four weeks of lecture. Check out the link provided to know about annotated bibliography: You are encouraged to attend a workshop on Referencing and Research Practice organised by the Academic Success Team (AST). You may also schedule a one-on-one workshop with the AST by emailing Detailed Submission Requirements · A single Microsoft Word document within 2500 words containing four annotated bibliographies of recent peer-reviewed journal articles. Each annotated bibliography should correspond to a topic covered from weeks 1 to 4 of the lecture. Each annotated bibliography should be completed using the template provided in Table 1. · Use APA referencing in your reference list at the end of your document · Each student must submit the assessment through the Assessment 1 Turnitin link on the Moodle page for this unit Title of article: Author(s): Journal title: Year of publication: Publisher: URL: Summary of article (Provide a summary of the main concepts discussed in article) Evaluation and reasons for use (Evaluate the quality of the article and its relevance to your topic using Five W’s: ) Table 1: Annotated Bibliography Template Misconduct · The assessment will be submitted through Turnitin via your unit page on Moodle. · Turnitin is plagiarism software, which will identify if you have copied information and included it in your assessment. · Copying information from others (i.e. websites, partner company information, or other students etc.) without the acknowledging the author is classified as misconduct. · Engaging someone else to write any part of your assessment for you outside of the group work arrangement is classified as misconduct. · To avoid being charged with Misconduct, students need to submit their own work and apply APA Style Referencing (ask your lecturer or the learning support coordinator ( if you do not know what this means, or you need assistance applying it). · The AIH misconduct policy and procedure can be read on the AIH website ( · Use the AIH referencing guide accessible via Library and Learning Support Page on Moodle. Late Submission · Any assessment submitted past the specific due date and time will be classified as Late. · Any Late submission will be subject to a reduction of the mark allocated for the assessment item by 5% per day (or part thereof) of the total marks available for the assessment item. A 'day' for this purpose is defined as any day of the week including weekends. Assignments submitted later than one (1) week after the due date will not be accepted, unless special consideration is approved as per the formal process. Special consideration · Students whose ability to submit or attend an assessment item is affected by sickness, misadventure or other circumstances beyond their control, may be eligible for special consideration. No consideration is given when the condition or event is unrelated to the student's performance in a component of the assessment, or when it is considered not to be serious. · Students applying for special consideration must submit the form within 3 days of the due date of the assessment item or exam. · The form can be obtained from the AIH website ( or on-campus at Reception. · The request form must be submitted to Student Services. Supporting evidence should be attached. For further information please refer to the Student Assessment Policy and associated Procedure available on · ( 1 Unit MBIS5013 Sustainability and Enterprise 4.0 Assessment 1 – Portfolio - Marking Rubric Rubrics Criteria Marking Criteria HD D C P F ULO01: Explain key concepts of sustainability and enterprise 4.0, and explore the interconnection between the natural environment, society and the economy to determine sustainable and successful business practices. ULO02: Critically analyse the trends and challenges that impact businesses and their information systems by applying sustainability, business and information systems-related theories. (100 marks) Resources (60) • Summary of each article • Relevance of resources The portfolio demonstrates excellent summary of the resources with main points from articles are discussed and selected articles are highly relevant (51 – 60 marks) The portfolio demonstrates very good summary of the resources with main points from articles are discussed and selected articles are very relevant (45 – 50.9 marks) The portfolio demonstrates good summary of the resources with main points from articles are discussed and some selected articles are not relevant (39 – 44.9 marks) The portfolio demonstrates satisfactory summary of the resources with main points from articles are discussed and some selected articles are not relevant (30 - 38.9 marks) The portfolio demonstrates unsatisfactory summary of the resources and/or selected articles are not relevant ( (0 – 29.9 marks) Evaluation of resources (20) • Five W of resource evaluation Excellent evaluation of resources using five W’s has been provided with proper justifications for choosing an article for the selected topic (17 – 20 marks) Very good evaluation of resources using five W’s has been provided with justifications for choosing an article for the selected topic (15 – 16.9 marks) Good evaluation of resources using five W’s has been provided with justifications for choosing an article for the selected topic (13 – 14.9 marks) Satisfactory evaluation of resources using five W’s has been provided with justifications for choosing an article for the selected topic (10 – 12.9 marks) Poor evaluation of resources using five W’s has been provided with no/shallow justifications for choosing an article for the selected topic (0 – 9.9 marks) Writing (10) • Spelling and grammar • English expression • Paraphrasing Excellent (8.5 – 10 marks) Very good (7.5 – 8.4 marks) Good (6.5 – 7.4 marks) Satisfactory. (5.0 - 6.4 marks) Unsatisfactory. (0 – 4.9 marks) Presentation (10) • Document Structure • Design Excellent (8.5 – 10 marks) Very good (7.5 – 8.4 marks) Good (6.5 – 7.4 marks) Satisfactory. (5.0 - 6.4 marks) Unsatisfactory. (0 – 4.9 marks) Mark obtained /100 Total Mark /30 MBIS5013 T2-2022 Unit Outline.pdf Australian Ins�tute of Higher Educa�on CRICOS Provider Code: 03147A Level 3 & 4, 545 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia &mb o ubo -u &mb -l &mb bm T2 2022 MBIS4013 Sustainability and Enterprise 4.0 Australian Ins�tute of Higher Educa�on l v u - v vvbom bl v -u v u u t bvb v b u o Unit Descrip on 0f Informa on COMMONWEALTH OFAUSTRALIA Copyright Regula ons 1969 This material has been reproduced and communicated to you by or on behalf of the Australian Ins tute of Higher Educa on (AIH) pursuant to Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968 (‘Act’). The material in this communica on may be subject to copyright under the Act. Any further reproduc on or communica on of this material by you may be the subject of copyright protec on under the Act. Term 2: Monday 4th July 2022 - Sunday 9th October 2022 Group 1: Thursday 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm Face-to-face/Online/Blended MBIS5013 Sustainability and Enterprise 4.0 informs students how information systems (IS) may be deployed through business commitments that work towards both societal and environmental sustainability. Enterprise 4.0 is a digital age core element that also contributes to sustainable global businesses and economies. Key trends and challenges are discussed in this unit through the use of case studies and other real-world approaches; with critical analysis and evaluation resulting in relevant responses. On successful completion of this unit, students can expect to have acquired knowledge necessary and sufficient to make informed IS decisions regarding business sustainability. Master of Business Information Systems Graduate Diploma of Business Information Systems Australian Ins�tute of Higher Educa�on -umbm ol v -m u- - A ributes On successful comple on, students will have achieved the following learning outcomes: 0f Informa on om AIH Graduate A ributes &mb -umbm ol v ULO01: Explain key concepts of sustainability and enterprise 4.0, and explore the interconnection between the natural environment, society and the economy to determine sustainable and successful business practices. 1. Communication: The ability to communicate persuasively, both orally and in writing, with a diverse range of audiences. 4. Critical thinking & problem solving: The ability to pro-actively identify and solve problems creatively and in a structured and methodical way. 5. Ethical behaviour: The ability to pro-actively identify and respond to ethical issues and to set ULO02: Critically analyse the trends and challenges that impact businesses and their information systems by applying sustainability, business and information systems-related theories. 1. Communication 3. Research: The ability to conduct and evaluate project. 4. Critical thinking & problem solving 5. Ethical behaviour 6. Flexibility: The ability to critically assess, evaluate and synthesise alternatives. ULO03: Evaluate and reflect different perspectives in order to make an informed decision to support changes in IT-based organisations. 1. Communication 4. Critical thinking & problem solving 5. Ethical behaviour 6. Flexibility 8. Self-sustained learning: The ability to conduct future self-sustained learning through accurate and advanced research. ULO04: Demonstrate the ability to work independently and collaboratively to provide and present IS-related recommendations in a business setting. 1. Communication 2. Collaboration: The ability to build and manage teams, and to liaise and co-operate with stakeholders successfully. 3. Research 4. Critical thinking & problem solving 5. Ethical behaviour 6. Flexibility 7. Leadership: The ability to lead others effectively. 8. Self-sustained learning Australian Ins�tute of Higher Educa�on &mb o ou bm- ou u u ou u v ub0 0oohv u m 0oohv u m o um- v oll m 0vb v vo u v The AIH Referencing Guide is available to download. Go to the Library and Learning Support Moodle page. om - -b v Dr Mahmud Hasan ( There is no prescribed textbook for this unit. Please see the list of references in the ‘reference journals and journal articles’ section and ‘weekly workshop schedule’. Bidgoli, H, 2019, Management Information Systems, 9th edn, Cengage Learning US. Carroll, A B, Brown, J & Buchholtz, A K, 2018, Business & Society: Ethics, Sustainability & Stakeholders, Cengage Learning US. Laasch, O & Conaway, R N, 2015, Principles of Responsible Management: Global Sustainability, Responsibility, and Ethics, Cengage Learning US. Aksentijević, S, Tijan, E & Čišić, D 2014, ‘Modeling of Economically Sustainable Information Security Management Systems in Seaport Clusters’, Scientific Journal of Maritime Research, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 56–64, viewed 15 June 2019,
. Amazon 2019, AWS & Sustainability, viewed 16 September 2019, This webpage shows Amazon’s commitment to sustainability. Borison, R 2017, McDonald?s touts sustainability via augmented reality app, viewed 16 September 2019, Bughin, J 2018, Marrying artificial intelligence and the sustainable development goals: The global economic impact of AI, viewed 14 August 2019, nce-and-the-sustainable The author is the Director at McKinsey Global Institute and listed five messages of the impact of AI in the global economy. Clancy, H 2019, GreenBiz 101: Virtual reality meets sustainability, viewed 16 September 2019, . The commercial applications of VR. Dr Mahmud Hasan ( Australian Ins�tute of Higher Educa�on ) h Week Star ng ) h - bm - ub- v Workshop Ac vi es vv vvl m -vh ) h )ouhv or Information Systems (IS), Enterprise 4.0, and Sustainable Competitive Advantages (SCAs) Group discussion and Q/A Sustainability – Global and Business Perspectives Group discussion and Q/A Driving Forces and Digital Sustainability Group discussion and Q/A Sustainable Business Model Innovation Group discussion and Q/A Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) applications Group discussion and Q/A A1: Portfolio (30%) Artificial