UNIT 4 DISCUSSION BOARD (225 WORDS Assignment Details ( The Objectives of this assignment is to Formulate policies governing health service vendors retained by a healthcare organization to address...

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Assignment Details ( The Objectives of this assignment is to Formulate policies governing health service vendors retained by a healthcare organization to address legal and regulatory requirements to ensure the safety, care, and privacy of patients)

Collaboration leverages the collective knowledge of a health care team. Peer evaluation and support, provided in the spirit of continuous improvement and organizational success, result in higher quality deliverables than generally possible by the efforts of an individual.

  • Describe the process that you plan to use to conduct research, identify findings, and develop the Comprehensive Project that is due in Unit 5.

    • Present a brief outline indicating how you intend to organize the project deliverable.

  • Review the processes and outlines of other students, providing objective feedback that will help strengthen the effectiveness of their efforts and the quality of the finished product.


DISCUSSION BOARD (225 WORDS to be answer)

Assignment Details ( The objectives of this assignment is to Assess the implications of various health issues and methods of managing them on operational performance of healthcare organizations)

  • What competencies were you able to develop in researching and writing the Comprehensive Project that is due in Unit 5?

  • How did you leverage feedback from your peers in the Discussion Boards for Units 1–4 in completing the project?

  • How will these competencies and knowledge support your career advancement in management?

INDIVIDUAL PROJECT UNIT 5((7 pages or Write a research paper concerning this scenario: You have been charged with the development of a Crisis Management Plan for the real or hypothetical health care organization that you chose earlier in this course.

Your research should be based on the following criteria:

  • Select a real or hypothetical crisis, such as a natural disaster (hurricane, tornado, flooding, or earthquake), a catastrophic building failure, or an act of terrorism.

  • Discuss resource management based on ethical approaches used during crisis management.

    • Consider issues such as patient triage or current as well as incoming patients, supply, and personnel availability.

  • Discuss and develop an authoritative chain of command for crisis management.

    • Include such responsibilities as Incident Commander, Communications Officer, and other members of the chain of command for the incident.

  • Discuss the importance and implementation of community communication, involvement, and coordination.

  • Discuss the necessary policies for personnel management and safety.

    • Include provisions for lock-down status and family communication abilities.

  • Outline the steps for supply chain management, both for personnel and the supplies needed to provide care.

(INDIVIDUAL PROJECT UNIT 5 OBJECTIVES are: Assess the implications of various health issues and methods of managing them on operational performance of healthcare organizations

Compose performance baselines for healthcare organizations and develop strategies to manage and measure performance

Critically evaluate the efficacy of management practices in a contemporary healthcare organization

Develop a crisis management plan for a healthcare organization to ensure patient safety and containment or control of contagions in the event of a natural disaster, a catastrophic building failure, or an act of terrorism

Evaluate the impact of legal and regulatory policy on decision making and strategy development in healthcare organizations

Formulate policies governing health service vendors retained by a healthcare organization to address legal and regulatory requirements to ensure the safety, care, and privacy of patients)

Answered Same DayDec 11, 2021UNIT 5

Answer To: UNIT 4 DISCUSSION BOARD (225 WORDS Assignment Details ( The Objectives of this assignment is to...

Aparna Rajak answered on Dec 14 2021
147 Votes
In this review we will discuss the importance of formulating policies governing health service vendors, we will discuss how a natural disaster like flood can create massacre situation which can result in health hazard, loss of life and destruction of properties. We will also understand and discuss the role of government in handling natural disaster. We will emphasise the role of incident commander and c
ommunication officer and we will also discuss the importance of supply chain management and what role it plays to handle natural disaster.
The Stafford Act describes a disaster as ““Any natural catastrophe (including hurricane, tornado, storm, high water, wind driven water, tidal wave, tsunami, earthquake, volcanic eruption, landslide, mudslide, snowstorm or drought), or, regardless of cause, any fire, flood or explosion, in any part of the United States, which in the determination of the President causes damage of sufficient severity and magnitude to warrant major disaster assistance under this Act to supplement the efforts and available resources of States, local governments, and disaster relief organizations, in alleviating the damage, loss, hardship, or suffering caused thereby.”
According to reports deaths from natural disaster on an average is 60,000 per year which contributes to 0.1 % of global deaths. Amongst all the natural disaster floods are considered to be the second most widespread natural disaster after wildfires. It can create massacre situation resulting numerous casualties and damages of infrastructure and buildings. According to the National Weather Service, on an average flood kills around 95 people in a year. Floods are caused due to heavy rainfall, high tides, overflowing rivers, melting snow and ice, broken dam, deforestation, improper land use etc. Therefore it is imperative to take proper measure to avoid the risk and to handle natural disaster when it occurs. Risk reduction can be done by taking two very crucial steps:
1. Preparedness: preparedness is all about taking precaution before any natural disaster occur. It aims at minimizing loss of life, preparing for immediate services which can be availed quickly in the event of disaster. Thus it is a protective process to cope with the disaster rapidly and effectively. Preparedness includes :
· Timely warning arrangement
· Training of personnel /manpower
· Rapid response strategies and mechanisms
· Information management
· Coordination
· Hazard, risk and vulnerability assessment
· Quick resource mobilization
· Imparting public education, training, drills etc.
· Creating awareness amongst masses
2. Mitigation: Mitigation encompasses all the steps which are needed to withstand natural disaster in order to minimize future losses. Example of mitigation can be creating an infrastructure or building which is flood resistant or earthquake resistant, river management to prevent floods, water management in drought areas etc.
Emergency management process needs cooperation from every individuals, groups and communities to be successful in handle the any natural calamities. When any natural disaster occur, emergency management agencies all over the world work with government as well as with non-government organisation to minimize the disastrous impact. Humanitarian organisations such as UNICEF, Catholic Relief Service, American Red Cross, World Bank etc. come forward to provide humanitarian aid. Although in Unites states Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is the primary agency to deal with natural disaster. FEMA collaborate with other organisation that are part of the national emergency management system. The main aim of FEMA is
“To reduce the loss of life and property and protect the Nation from all hazards, including natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other manmade disasters, by leading and supporting the Nation in a risk-based, comprehensive emergency management system of preparedness, protection, response, recovery, and mitigation.”
During times of disaster it becomes difficult to prioritise...

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