Unit 2 - Requirements Breakdown Structure (RBS)
Requirements Breakdown Structure for your selected project, list the requirements then "draw" an RBS. Use the information provided in the Ambriz and Wysocki books, Requirements list and RBS for your selected project.
provide the appropriate level of detail while maintaining a reasonable number of requirements since you will base your planning and scheduling on this requirements breakdown structure throughout the semester. While there is no minimum or maximum number of requirements, the expectation is that most students will have somewhere between 3-7 high level requirements in their RBS which will then be used as the basis for the Work Breakdown Structure next week.
At a minimum, identify several high level requirements, functions, and features.
Requirements Breakdown Structure upload it using the link below. While you may use any format you would like (Word document, Excel worksheet, Visio diagram, drawing tool), having this data in an Excel file will make it easier to import for next week's assignment.
Regardless of which format you choose, please upload a PDF of your submission in addition to the submission itself.
Remember, your RBS should represent all the deliverables.
Unit 2 RBS Assignment Rubric
RBS Samples:
RBS Sample 1
RBS Sample 2
RBS Sample 3