Unit 1 AS: The Criminal Justice Process Research theNJ Court’s WebsiteAnswer the following questions: a) Do you find the criminal justice process complex? b) Regarding the indictment process and the...

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Unit 1 AS: The Criminal Justice Process

Research theNJ Court’s WebsiteAnswer the following questions:

a) Do you find the criminal justice process complex?

b) Regarding the indictment process and the arraignment process, would it be prudent to combine these processes?

c) How are status and pretrial conferences critical to the criminal justice process?

d) How are presentence investigations and reports essential to the administration of justice and the criminal justice process?

e) Choose one process and argue for or against its usefulness in trying to achieve the greater good.

In addition to external research, remember to review the lecture, readings and resources for this unit to help you formulate your responses. Please be sure to fully develop your responses to each question presented. Your position, argument or rationale should never be assumed.

2)Unit 2 AS: Conditions of Probation

Research conditions of probation used in your home state. In addition to summarizing your research, be sure to discuss, analyze and evaluate the following questions:

1. How and why did these conditions originate in your opinion?

2. Discuss the merits, value and implications of these conditions.

3. Has your home state adopted any policies, which are applicable to juvenile offenders? If so, please explain. If not, do you think that special provisions or conditions should apply to juvenile offenders?

In addition to external research, remember to review the lecture, readings and resources for this unit to help you formulate your responses. Please be sure to fully develop your responses to each question presented. Your position, argument or rationale should never be assumed.

3)Unit 3 AS: Why Parole?

Research the “why” of parole. You may use the textbook to provide you with a background regarding some of the arguments for parole, but your actual response must rely on credible research rather than the textbook. In addition to summarizing your research, be sure to discuss, analyze and evaluate the following questions:

1. 1.Why did parole originate in your opinion? .

2.Discuss the merits, value and implications of parole.

3. Has your home state adopted any policies, which are applicable to juvenile offenders? If so, please explain. If not, do you think that special policies should apply to juvenile offenders?

In addition to external research, remember to review the lecture, readings and resources for this unit to help you formulate your responses. Please be sure to fully develop your responses to each question presented. Your position, argument or rationale should never be assumed.

4)Unit 4 AS: Major Tenets

There are several treatment-related theories in probation and parole, and you need to consider each of these theories in your presentation. Simply, you do not need to address all of the theories in your discussion, but you need to consider their relevance to your position. With that said, please present the major tenets of your own theory in your own words. You can use the best ideas, in your opinion, from various theories, and create your own theory. This can also be accomplished by merging theories or creating an original theory or treatment model. Remember:

• A theory is a based upon a hypothesis and backed by evidence.

• A theory is not merely a guess.

• A theory describes a behavior.

• A theory predicts future behaviors.

In addition to external research, remember to review the lecture, readings and resources for this unit to help you formulate your responses. Please be sure to fully develop your responses to each question presented. Your position, argument or rationale should never be assumed.

100 Points

5)Unit 5 AS: Gagnon and Morrissey

Find the following cases:

• GAGNON v. SCARPELLI, 411 U.S. 778, 36 L. Ed. 2d 656, 93 S. Ct. 1756 (1973)

• MORRISSEY v. BREWER, 408 U.S. 471, 33 L. Ed. 2d 484, 92 S. Ct. 2593 (1972)

In addition to summarizing the importance of these cases, be sure to discuss, analyze and evaluate the following questions:

1. In your opinion, did the two Courts provide a fair and just resolution to the issues presented? Be specific.

2. In the eyes of society, was the impact of these cases “desirable?” Simply, did society benefit from the “message” that these Courts sent with respect to their findings?

In addition to external research, remember to review the lecture, readings and resources for this unit to help you formulate your responses. Please be sure to fully develop your responses to each question presented. Your position, argument or rationale should never be assumed.

100 Points

6)Unit 6 AS: Sex Offender Treatment

Find a sex offender program in your home state, which is designed for offenders in a P/P setting. In addition to summarizing the program in conjunction with any pertinent issues, be sure to discuss, analyze and evaluate the following questions:

1. In your opinion, is the program successful, and, what does the recidivism data tell you?

2. What are the treatment methods? Be specific.

3. Can these programs be used as pretrial diversion?

4. In your opinion, how can this program be more effective as well as fiscally prudent?

In addition to external research, remember to review the lecture, readings and resources for this unit to help you formulate your responses. Please be sure to fully develop your responses to each question presented. Your position, argument or rationale should never be assumed.

75 Points

7)Unit 8 AS:Effectiveness

Locate two different peer reviewed articles that examine the effectiveness of probation and parole. Compare and contrast their results. In addition to summarizing your research, be sure to discuss, analyze and evaluate pertinent issues. Since you are the author of your presentation, you will determine which issues are pertinent.

In addition to external research, remember to review the lecture, readings and resources for this unit to help you formulate your responses. Please be sure to fully develop your responses to each question presented. Your position, argument or rationale should never be assumed.

Answered Same DayNov 29, 2020UNIT 5

Answer To: Unit 1 AS: The Criminal Justice Process Research theNJ Court’s WebsiteAnswer the following...

Anju Lata answered on Dec 03 2020
148 Votes
Running Head: Probation and Parole
Probation and Parole
Probation and Parole
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UNIT 1 AS: The Criminal Justice Process
a. The criminal justice process is complex involving multiple stages ranging from intake and first appearance to the Post conviction motions (Criminal Justice Reform Information Center, 2018). The Criminal Justice process undergoes through various steps:
· Law enforcement Officer takes the fingerprint o
f the defendant, and collects his criminal history from several databases of the states.
· On the basis of collected information, it is decided whether the defendant is to be given a warrant or a summon.
· The defendants who get summon, are released while those who get warrant are arrested and taken to county prison for further criminal justice process.
· On the basis of public safety assessment the first appearance hearing is held.
· As the court hearing progresses, either the No motion for detention is made or a Motion for detention is made.
· After hearing the arguments the judge finally decides whether the defendant will be released, detained or released with conditions.
Thus, the complete criminal justice process involves multiple stages which takes lot of time and interventions.
b. Indictment refers to the formal charge, accusation or justification of crime that the offender has done the crime. The arraignment refers to the formal notification of the accusations against the offender. The process of arraignment may occur within the time frame of 14 days after the formal indictment. During Arraignment, the court officially intimates the defendant about the accusations against him. In few circumstances both of these processes may occur at the same time especially when the formal arrest is not required in case of white collar crimes (Business Professor, 2018). When the judiciary proposes indictment initially, the defendant willingly has to appear in the court for the arraignment and initial appearance.
c. The status conference facilitates a pre trial update of the case for the Jury. It helps the jury to monitor the case and to estimate time duration for the conclusion of pretrial events. During the arraignment when the defendant seeks a non guilty plea, a status conference is organized by the council to discuss the results of plea negotiations in the presence of defendant (Grammiccioni, 2018). The Pretrial conference offers the defendant a way to submit guilty plea to the allegations. In criminal cases the pretrial conferences involve different issues than the civil lawsuits. They are used to determine only the cases which do not have to prove the guiltiness of the defendant (Legal Dictionary, 2018). They are used to find out what the allowed evidences are, for the trial and the extent at which the witnesses can be testified.
d. Presentence Investigation Reports are prepared by the Criminal Division Probation Officers, for the judges who give punishment to the convicts. The report helps the judges in assessing and investigating the crime, defendant’s financial record, family background, and medical history. The report provides a deep insight to the judges for the process to reach the probation or the prison.
e. Substance Abuse Evaluations: These evaluations investigate the extent of defendant’s drug indulgence with help of interviews, screening of urine, and drug assessment reports. If the report is found positive for the drug intake, the judges may order the defendant to undergo treatment plan for addiction during the criminal proceedings, probation or pre trial release. These evaluations influences the way the defendants are given sentence. The reports of these evaluations may eliminate, reduce or enhance the imposed penalties of the defendants (Voigt, 2018).
    UNIT 2AS: Conditions of Probation
1. The probation provides the offenders a chance to avoid the prison. However in exchange the offenders are demanded to adhere to a various regulations and strict rules in form of 16 standard conditions imposed by the Division of Probation in New Jersey Judiciary System. The standard conditions involve: No Additional Crimes, No possession of guns, drugs, and other rules regarding the travelling and medication use (Zarych, 2018).
2. These conditions are implied for the probations of adults and promote the good conduct to refrain the imprisonment. While on probation the probationers are given limited rights to privacy and travel as per the terms of probation. These rules are good to help the defenders comply with the good ethics and good behavior.
3. Juvenile Probation Regulations aim to enforce the fair and consistent conditions for the probation. It promotes the behavior that influences the rehabilitation in a positive manner. The supervision strategies include the participation of families to protect the children, to preserve the family unity, and to secure the children in the courts. The guidelines are: You will follow all the laws. You will not possess any dangerous weapons or firearms. You will report your probation officer as told to you. Without the permission of your Probation officer, you will not leave the New Jersey nor you will leave your home for more than 24 hours (Grant, 2016). And so on.
    UNIT 3 AS: Why Parole?
1. The term Parole means Spoken Words. It originated to offer a facility of releasing a prisoner on a temporary basis to fulfill certain duties and responsibilities for minor dependents in the family or other reasons which require his presence, when the person is still serving the sentence in the prison. The person taking the parole must abide to certain conditions like refrain from drugs or alcohol, obeying the law etc. The person returns back to the prison on completion of the parole duration (US department of justice, 2018).
2. Parole is granted...

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