Unit 1 AS: The Criminal Justice Process
Research theNJ Court’s WebsiteAnswer the following questions:
a) Do you find the criminal justice process complex?
b) Regarding the indictment process and the arraignment process, would it be prudent to combine these processes?
c) How are status and pretrial conferences critical to the criminal justice process?
d) How are presentence investigations and reports essential to the administration of justice and the criminal justice process?
e) Choose one process and argue for or against its usefulness in trying to achieve the greater good.
In addition to external research, remember to review the lecture, readings and resources for this unit to help you formulate your responses. Please be sure to fully develop your responses to each question presented. Your position, argument or rationale should never be assumed.
2)Unit 2 AS: Conditions of Probation
Research conditions of probation used in your home state. In addition to summarizing your research, be sure to discuss, analyze and evaluate the following questions:
1. How and why did these conditions originate in your opinion?
2. Discuss the merits, value and implications of these conditions.
3. Has your home state adopted any policies, which are applicable to juvenile offenders? If so, please explain. If not, do you think that special provisions or conditions should apply to juvenile offenders?
In addition to external research, remember to review the lecture, readings and resources for this unit to help you formulate your responses. Please be sure to fully develop your responses to each question presented. Your position, argument or rationale should never be assumed.
3)Unit 3 AS: Why Parole?
Research the “why” of parole. You may use the textbook to provide you with a background regarding some of the arguments for parole, but your actual response must rely on credible research rather than the textbook. In addition to summarizing your research, be sure to discuss, analyze and evaluate the following questions:
1. 1.Why did parole originate in your opinion? .
2.Discuss the merits, value and implications of parole.
3. Has your home state adopted any policies, which are applicable to juvenile offenders? If so, please explain. If not, do you think that special policies should apply to juvenile offenders?
In addition to external research, remember to review the lecture, readings and resources for this unit to help you formulate your responses. Please be sure to fully develop your responses to each question presented. Your position, argument or rationale should never be assumed.
4)Unit 4 AS: Major Tenets
There are several treatment-related theories in probation and parole, and you need to consider each of these theories in your presentation. Simply, you do not need to address all of the theories in your discussion, but you need to consider their relevance to your position. With that said, please present the major tenets of your own theory in your own words. You can use the best ideas, in your opinion, from various theories, and create your own theory. This can also be accomplished by merging theories or creating an original theory or treatment model. Remember:
• A theory is a based upon a hypothesis and backed by evidence.
• A theory is not merely a guess.
• A theory describes a behavior.
• A theory predicts future behaviors.
In addition to external research, remember to review the lecture, readings and resources for this unit to help you formulate your responses. Please be sure to fully develop your responses to each question presented. Your position, argument or rationale should never be assumed.
100 Points
5)Unit 5 AS: Gagnon and Morrissey
Find the following cases:
• GAGNON v. SCARPELLI, 411 U.S. 778, 36 L. Ed. 2d 656, 93 S. Ct. 1756 (1973)
• MORRISSEY v. BREWER, 408 U.S. 471, 33 L. Ed. 2d 484, 92 S. Ct. 2593 (1972)
In addition to summarizing the importance of these cases, be sure to discuss, analyze and evaluate the following questions:
1. In your opinion, did the two Courts provide a fair and just resolution to the issues presented? Be specific.
2. In the eyes of society, was the impact of these cases “desirable?” Simply, did society benefit from the “message” that these Courts sent with respect to their findings?
In addition to external research, remember to review the lecture, readings and resources for this unit to help you formulate your responses. Please be sure to fully develop your responses to each question presented. Your position, argument or rationale should never be assumed.
100 Points
6)Unit 6 AS: Sex Offender Treatment
Find a sex offender program in your home state, which is designed for offenders in a P/P setting. In addition to summarizing the program in conjunction with any pertinent issues, be sure to discuss, analyze and evaluate the following questions:
1. In your opinion, is the program successful, and, what does the recidivism data tell you?
2. What are the treatment methods? Be specific.
3. Can these programs be used as pretrial diversion?
4. In your opinion, how can this program be more effective as well as fiscally prudent?
In addition to external research, remember to review the lecture, readings and resources for this unit to help you formulate your responses. Please be sure to fully develop your responses to each question presented. Your position, argument or rationale should never be assumed.
75 Points
7)Unit 8 AS:Effectiveness
Locate two different peer reviewed articles that examine the effectiveness of probation and parole. Compare and contrast their results. In addition to summarizing your research, be sure to discuss, analyze and evaluate pertinent issues. Since you are the author of your presentation, you will determine which issues are pertinent.
In addition to external research, remember to review the lecture, readings and resources for this unit to help you formulate your responses. Please be sure to fully develop your responses to each question presented. Your position, argument or rationale should never be assumed.