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Answered Same DayDec 09, 2022

Answer To: ued XXXXXXXXXXs Auedwos ayy our pajerodiodur oq soryye Junoytew Jey) Juepodui 31 st Aym (q{STeak...

Ayan answered on Dec 10 2022
47 Votes
Table of contents
Part 1    3
1.    3
A) Discuss what two ethical issues are in relation to any of the 4Ps.    3
B) First discuss the relationship among quality, value and satisfaction and their roles for developing a long-term relationship with customers. Pick one case from all the cases assigned throughout this semester and relate your discussion to the case.    4
Part 2 (From four questions below, choose TWO QUESTIONS to answer)    5
4.    5
A) Why have ethics and social responsibility become so important in recent years?    5
B) Is it really
necessary to consider these issues in strategic planning?    6
5.    7
A) Why is the product life cycle (PLC) an important consideration in selecting and developing a marketing strategy?    7
B) What are the core differences among the PLC stages that force marketers to alter their marketing programs over time?    9
References    12
Part 1
A) Discuss what two ethical issues are in relation to any of the 4Ps.
· Promotion – Dishonesty is the most pervasive ethical issue in the promotion. Advertising is overflowing with trickiness, as per the American Federal Trade Commission (FTC), which defines double dealing as "a misrepresentation, omission, or activity that is probably going to mislead the consumer acting normally in the circumstances, to the consumer's mischief. For instance, misrepresenting a product's component or performance is improper. Exaggeration of a product's characteristics or unreasonable claims about a product's exhibition is the two examples of double-dealing in advertising.
· Product – Products and services development can prompt ethical problems. Marketers are responsible for deciding and addressing customer expectations. Offering products does not always serve to address customers' issues; on occasion, by empowering materialism, new needs might arise. Marketing professionals seem unethical when they disregard their essential responsibility for mercantilism. The exhibition of goods and services may also reflect ethical issues. Through ethical marketing, consumers should stay away from subpar and hazardous products (Madhani, 2020). Marketers often get criticism for their products being subpar made or offering almost no value contrasted with the information exchanged.
B) First discuss the relationship among quality, value and satisfaction and their roles for developing a long-term relationship with customers. Pick one case from all the cases assigned throughout this semester and relate your discussion to the case.
    Through quality initiatives, goods, services, and marketing procedures are continuously enhanced. How successfully a buyer's expectations are met by a product's perceived performance. It is possible to satisfy or dissatisfy customers. What benefits a customer derives from using and owning a product that is more valuable than what they paid for it.
· Value - In marketing, it is possible to measure the value of a decent or service using both subjective and quantitative indicators. Not set in stone by considering a person's close to home, mental, and physical well-being as well as several social, financial, social, and natural factors. Dollar amounts, percentages, and genuine financial benefits are used to evaluate quantitative value (Islam et al., 2021). Assuming that they are more associated with them, your organization and product will be more important to your clients, and the relationship will be stronger. Assuming that you give your top customer service specialists more noteworthy scope, they could exceed everyone's expectations to upgrade the client experience in imaginative and surprising ways.
· Quality – Assuming you believe that your customers should keep using your products and services, they proceed with pleasure and devotion is essential to your success. The type of an organization's products determines its drawn-out success (Madhani, 2020). They also give you the choice to charge and keep up with more exorbitant costs, which is advantageous. Offering an excellent product might result in additional leads being created. At the point when consumers realize they can depend on a product or service, they are bound to use it once more, get it, and prescribe it to others. Excellent products will keep on being profoundly valued by consumers.
· Satisfaction - Understanding the factors that impact customer satisfaction is urgent given the nature and distinctiveness of the services presented as well as the technique used to offer those types of assistance. Considering the numerous scientific approaches to describing satisfaction drivers, it should be featured that this issue is essential to both hypothetical and exact research (Sroka & Szántó, 2018). The quality of the services offered, as indicated by several researches on service quality and customer satisfaction, is the fundamental component impacting how satisfied customers are with a service supplier. Furthermore, it is accepted that this element forms the basis of service quality. Considering that service quality is the most significant mark of consumer happiness, this study finds a connection between's customer satisfaction and intentions for long-haul relationships.
Part 2 (From four questions below, choose TWO QUESTIONS to answer)
A) Why have ethics and social responsibility become so important in recent years?
    Because of issues in these areas, several businesses have experienced harsh criticism and even had their reputations damaged, making ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR) very urgent. Especially, several businesses have gone under scrutiny for taking part in various unethical practices. Some American companies needed to manage backlash from the general population over the corrupt behavior of their foreign suppliers. Others, nonetheless, were...

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