Read the pages and make a
very brief
summary of them with your own words, please. It is what you understand. Don't make copy-paste, please. Mention important parts only. Also, you will put your comments and ideas about the topic. Please don't write item by item. Write the summary in paragraph form.
Extracted text: UCL or LCL, or there will be a "run" of several points in a row above or below the average line. When a penetration or a lengthy run appears, this is the control chart's signal that other tools is that it does not help us understand whether something is wrong that requires immediate attention. As long as the plots stay between the limits and don't congregate on one side or the other of the process average line, the process is in statistical control. If either of these con- ditions is not met, then we can say that the process is not in statistical control or simply is "out of control"-hence the Control Charts 4 The problem with the run chart and, in fact, many of the the variation is the result of special causes-things such as changes in the materials used, machine problems, lack of employee training-or common causes that are purely ran- dom. Not until Dr. Walter Shewhart made that distinction 1. 7 9. 11 13 15 17 19 21 Workday in the 1920s was there a real chance of improving processes through the use of statistical techniques. Shewhart, then an employee of Bell Laboratories, developed the control chart to separate the special causes from the common causes. In evaluating problems and finding solutions for them, it is important to distinguish between special causes and com- mon causes. Figure 15.27 shows a typical control chart. Data are plotted over time, just as with a run chart; the difference is that the data stay between the upper control limit (UCL) and the lower control limit (LCL) while varying about the centerline or average only so long as the variation is the re- sult of common causes (i.e., statistical variation). Whenever a special cause (nonstatistical cause) impacts the process, one of two things will happen: Either a plot point will penetrate name of the chart. If you understand that it is the UCL, LCL, and process average lines added to the run chart that make the differ- ence, you may wonder how those lines are set. The position- ing of the lines cannot be arbitrary. Nor can they merely reflect what you want out of the process, for example, based on a specification. Such an approach won't help separate common causes from special causes, and it will only compli- cate attempts at process improvement. UCL, LCL, and pro- cess average must be determined by valid statistical means. Determination of UCL, LCL, and process average is fully covered in Chapter 18, which is dedicated to the use of con- trol charts in statistical process control. All processes have built-in variability. A process that is in statistical control will still be affected by its natural random variability. Such a process will exhibit the normal distribution of the bell curve. The more finely tuned the process, the less deviation from the process average and the narrower the bell curve. (Refer to Figure 15.19, Histogram A and Histogram B.) This is at the heart of the control chart and is what makes it possible to define the limits and process FIGURE 15.28 Chart of Operator Defects for November. might include data relative to the environment, the people involved, the machine(s) used in the process, materials, and so on. Grouping data by common element or characteristic makes it easier to understand the data and to pull insights from them. Consider an example from a factory floor. One of the factory's products requires five assemblers, all doing the same thing at the same rate. Their output flows together for inspection. Inspection has found an unacceptably high rate of defects in the products. Management forms a team to investigate the problem with the objective of finding the cause and correcting it. They plot the data taken over the last month (see Figure 15.28). The chart in Figure 15.28 plots all operator-induced de- fects for the month. The team believes that for this product, zero defects can be approached. If you were going to react to this chart alone, how would you deal with the problem? You have five assemblers. Do they all contribute defects equally? This is hardly ever the case. The data can be stratified by the operator to determine each individual's defect performance. The charts in Figure 15.29 do this. The five stratified charts in Figure 15.29 indicate that one operator, Assembler B, is responsible for more defects than the other four combined. Assembler A also makes more UCL average. Control charts are the appropriate tool to monitor pro- cesses. The properly used control chart will immediately alert the operator to any change in the process. The appro- priate response to that alert is to stop the process at once, preventing the production of defective product. Only after the special cause of the problem has been identified and cor- rected should the process be restarted. Having eliminated a problem's root cause, that problem should never recur. (Anything less, however, and it is sure to return eventu- ally.) Control charts also enable continual improvement of processes. When a change is introduced to a process that is operated under statistical process control charts, the effect of the change will be immediately seen. You know when you have made an improvement. You also know when the change is ineffective or even detrimental. This validates effective improvements, which you will retain. This is enormously difficult when the process is not in statistical control because the process instability masks changes deliberately made. To learn more about statistical process control and con- trol charts, study Chapter 18. Process Average LCL Samples than twice as many errors as Assembler C or Assembler D and eight times as many as Assembler E, the best performer of the group. FIGURE 15.27 Basic Control Chart. The performance of Assembler A and Assembler B must be brought up to the level of the others. Possible causes of the operator-induced defects could be inherent skill, training, vision, attitude, attentiveness, and environmental factors, such as noise, lighting, and temperature in the operator's workstation area. The charts provide an indication of the place to start making changes. The Pareto charts of Figure 15.6 also represent stratifi- cation. Figure 15.6 started with a series of defect types that results, good or bad, of any were most costly (the first chart). Then it took the worst case, Miswires, and divided it into the kinds of miswires (the second chart). Then the worst kind, Hand Wrap, was split into several categories (the third chart). The dominant Hand-Wrap defect category was operator induced. Finally, the Operator category was stratified by individual operator (the fourth chart). The power of stratification lies in the fact that if you stratify far enough, you will arrive at a root cause of the STRATIFICATION Stratification is a simple tool in spite of its name. It involves investigating the cause of a problem by grouping data into categories. This grouping is called stratification. The groups Defects