Two Individual In-Class Activities In That one is Part 1 is Guest lecture for that i will give you a template for part 1 and part one is only 500 words and part 2 is 1000 words,Please follow the instructions given in the document, And this is my finally assessment. And i will also send you the gust speaker recording aswell .
Link for Gust Lecture(part1): Passcode: MBA401 @ T2 2020
MBA401_T2_2020_Assess_3 Page 1 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline Assessment 3 Information Subject Code: MBA401 Subject Name: People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership Assessment Title: Individual Reflections Assessment Type: Two Individual In-Class Activities Reflection One (Week 6) Reflection Two (Week 12) Word Count: Reflection One (500 words) Reflection Two (1000 words) Words (+/-10%) Weighting: Reflection One (15%) Reflection Two (25%) Total Marks: 40 Submission: Both Reflection One and Reflection Two will be submitted as ONE document (Submitted via Turnitin) Due Date: Reflection One (In-Class Activity) based on the Industry Speaker - Week 6 Reflection Two (In-Class Activity) – Week 12 Submission of both Reflections on Monday, Week 13 @11.55pm Your Task To create TWO (2) individual reflections that apply the People, Culture and Contemporary Leadership theories and concepts that have been covered in the subject. Both reflections will be based on the in- class activities. Assessment Description An important part of undertaking postgraduate study, is that you actively reflect on what you’ve been learning and how you could apply it to assist your own professional development and/or future career. Reflection One will be conducted in-class in Week 6 and will be based on the Industry Guest Speaker linking the theory and concepts covered in the subject to date and application to yourself. Attendance at this class is a requirement in order to complete the assessment. Discussions, participation and self- analysis activities will be conducted in class and will form the basis of your reflection. You will submit this Reflection in Week 13 at 11.55pm (via Turnitin), as part of your final reflection. Reflection Two will be conducted in Week 12 and be a self-analysis of your leadership style and ways that you can develop your own leadership skills? During this trimester, you have undertaken a number of personality and leadership style tests and been exposed to a range of ideas and concepts to support your leadership development. Based on the outcomes of your personality and leadership style tests and your learnings on your own leadership development, you are required to write a reflective piece indicating what are your top three leadership skills/qualities, your current skills gap, and two key areas that you need to focus on to address your skills gap and future professional development. You need to refer to a range of tools/tests and leadership theories to support your answer. You must include a minimum of 4 academic references to support your statements. Attendance at this class is a requirement in order to complete the assessment. Discussions, participation and self-analysis activities will be conducted in class. You will then be required to upload Page 2 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline your final submission (Reflection One and Reflection Two) on Monday, Week 13 at 11.55pm. Assessment Instructions Attendance at these classes is a requirement in order to complete these reflections. To assist you in developing your reflections, you should be writing weekly diary notes recording your experiences (both positive and negative), on the topics and discussions. To ensure the success of your Reflective Journal make certain that you incorporate the following: • Examples from you own personal experience that supports your analysis • Paragraphs that don’t just describe your experiences but critically analyse them as well You should refer to at least three (3) relevant theories that you have covered during the subject to support your responses. Please refer to the Assessment Marking Guide to assist you in completing all the assessment criteria. Important Study Information Academic Integrity Policy KBS values academic integrity. All students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Academic Integrity and Conduct Policy. What is academic integrity and misconduct? What are the penalties for academic misconduct? What are the late penalties? How can I appeal my grade? Click here for answers to these questions: Word Limits for Written Assessments Submissions that exceed the word limit by more than 10% will cease to be marked from the point at which that limit is exceeded. Study Assistance Students may seek study assistance from their local Academic Learning Advisor or refer to the resources on the MyKBS Academic Success Centre page. Click here for this information. Page 3 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline Assessment Marking Guide (Reflection One) Criterion Fail (0-49%) Pass (50-64%) Credit (65-74%) Distinction (75-84%) High Distinction (85-00%) Identification of at least three (3) the core concepts discussed by the speaker (6 Marks) No identification of three (3) core concepts or demonstrated understanding of the core concepts discussed by the speaker. No clear links to the theories/concepts in the subject Student has provided a limited identification of the core concepts (less than 3). Limited demonstrated understanding of the core concepts discussed by the speaker and how it links to the theories/concepts in the subject Student has clearly identified three (3) core concepts. Good demonstrated understanding of the core concepts discussed and how it links to the theories/concepts in the subject. Student has very clearly identified three (3) core concepts. Very good demonstrated understanding of the topic discussed and how it links to the theories/concepts in the subject Student has done more than just identified three (3) core concepts and has demonstrated an excellent understanding of the topic discussed and how it links to the theories/concepts in the subject Application of the key ideas/lessons learnt introduced by the Guest Speaker to self-development (6 Marks) No application of any of the key ideas/lessons learnt introduced by the Guest Speaker to self-development Student has provided only limited application of any of the key ideas/lessons learnt introduced by the Guest Speaker to self-development Student has provided a good application of any of the key ideas/lessons learnt introduced by the Guest Speaker to self- development Student has provided a very good application of many of the key ideas/lessons learnt introduced by the Guest Speaker to self- development Student has provided an excellent application of many of the key ideas/lessons learnt introduced by the Guest Speaker to self- development Academic structure, presentation, and referencing (3 Marks) The academic structure, presentation and referencing was poor and failed to meet the minimum standards of postgraduate study. The academic structure, presentation and referencing was sufficient but major improvements needed. The academic structure, presentation and referencing was good but could have been more comprehensive. The academic structure, presentation and referencing was very good but there is scope for some improvement.. The academic structure, presentation and referencing was of exceptionally high standard. Page 4 Kaplan Business School Assessment Outline Assessment Marking Guide (Reflection Two) Criterion Fail (0-49%) Pass (50-64%) Credit (65-74%) Distinction (75-84%) High Distinction (85-00%) Self-Analysis and Reflective Practices (5 Marks) The student has not demonstrated any self- analysis or reflective practices or has not discussed them with enough substance. The student has demonstrated the use of some self-analysis or reflective practices but hasn’t conducted the analysis required of a postgraduate subject. The student has demonstrated the use of interesting self-analysis or reflective practices but more clarity