True/False Questions
1.City and county governments are
nottypically classified as special purpose governments.
2.According to GASB Statement No. 34, “General-purpose governments are thought to be those that offer more than one type of basic governmental service”.
3.Special-purpose governments generally provide a limited set of services or programs.
4.Special purpose governments must be stand-alone local governments.
5. General-purpose governments are those that offer more than one type of basic governmental service, while special-purpose entities generally provide a limited, or single, set of programs or services.
6.GASB standards permit exercise of judgment when determining whether a government is general-purpose or special-purpose.
7.A County could be either a general-purpose or a special purpose government.
8.The implementation guide for GASB Statement 34 provides a distinction by indicating that “general purpose governments are thought to be those that offer more than one type of basic governmental service.
9.Special-purpose governments generally provide a single or limited set of governmental services or programs.
10.A fire protection district is anexample of special–purpose local government.