1.Marxist approach to culture insists that texts and practices must be analyzed in relation to their historical conditions of production and/or the changing conditions of their reception.
2.Thus, each significant period in history is constructed around a particular ‘mode of production’: that is, the way in which a society is organized to produce the affluence of life.
3.Hence, each mode of production can produce specific social and cultural institutions.
4.Marx argued that the mode of production of material life conditions the social, political and intellectual life process in general.
5.In production, the “superstructure” refers to the forces and relations of production that the former may refer to workers and their skills, and the latter refers to class relations of those engaged in production.
6.It is in that sense that one’s class position is determined by one’s relationship to the mode of production.
7.On the other hand, the “base” consists of institutions like schools and definite forms of social consciousness like educational generated by those institutions.
8.The base is said to ‘condition’ or ‘determine’ the content and form of the superstructure. What happens in the base is a passive reflection of what is happening in the superstructure.
9.As a result, the politics of a text or practice are read off from, or reduce to, the economic condition of its production.
10.Marx and Engels claimed that the dominant class is virtually guaranteed to have control over the means of intellectual production.
11.With that, it means that the ideas of the ruling class are simply imposed on subordinate classes.