Topic “It’s Cool”, Concept of cool and its implications in Marketing In this assessment students are required to submit a written assignment (consists of minimum of 2500 words) and deliver an oral...


“It’s Cool”, Concept of cool and
implications in Marketing

In this assessment students are required to submit a written assignment (consists of minimum of 2500 words) and deliver an oral presentation relating to the topic.

Do NOT answer each of the following questions below individually. Please answer them in a report format. That is the answers should be contained in paragraphs addressing the issues raised by the questions below.

Research Objectives (2.5%)

What is the purpose of the study?

What do you want to understand/learn?

Define Research Objectives

What is
your selected
method (Qualitative research, phenomenology, in-depth interviews)

Identify the value this approach
to this research problem?

Theoretical Perspective
(Literature review)

Any relevant theories regarding the concept of cool and its implications in marketing.


ground the topic with research methodologies.

Research methodology (5%)

What is the source of the data? Primary data? Secondary data?

What is your data collection method?

Discuss the value of your methodology offer to this research problem?

Tools, procedures and materials you used to gather data

What is the data collection tool?

Sep 10, 2022

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