Topic:Development of Modern CremationEssay: Should be a 2+ page paper, which must be 12pt font, Times New Roman, double spaced, and typed: answering the following questions: 1. Summarize the historical events in your section. 2. Discuss major events that took place. 3. Discuss major historical figures and people from your topic. 4. Explain the importance of these events on your study of funeral service. Student must also provide THREE MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST questions based off YOUR presentation (this should be included at the bottom of your 2+ page essay, not in your PowerPoint presentation). STUDENTS MUST USE AT LEAST ONE BOOK SOURCE TO SUPPORT THEIR PAPER (FYI, Wikipedia is not a proper source for information). SOURCES MUST BE CITED PROPERLY and identified at the end of your essay, APA or MLA formats are acceptable.
July 24, 2009 Northeast Texas Community College | Funeral Service Education P.O. Box 1307 Mt. Pleasant TX 75456 | 903-434-8314 direct | 903-434-8100 main Find us on Facebook Effective August 24, 2020 Funeral Service Education Essay Expectations and Rubric The use of essays and research are essential components of this course/program. It is through research and interviews that you will gain a deeper understanding of funeral service. While in the funeral service program, you will be expected to provide evidence of research-based projects and interviews. Such essays will cover various topics about funeral service, embalming, and other materials included in class lectures, readings, and discussions. Essays are an excellent method to increase your written abilities to prepare yourself for written communications with client-families, other funeral practitioners, and of course, as a means to communicate with other allied professions. In addition to accurate content and professional language, students will be graded on the quality of their reports. It is important to note that proper grammar and the use of appropriate punctuation are essential to successfully communicating in the written word. Steps for success when submitting an essay: 1. Essays must be submitted in a Microsoft Word document. Office 365 is provided at no cost to all students and should be used to save and submit assignments. If technology is a weakness, reach out to your instructor early for help. 2. All essays MUST be submitted through the appropriate Blackboard submission folder. Submissions are not accepted via email or mail unless pre-approved by the instructor before the deadline. 3. Do NOT wait until the last moment to submit. 4. Consider running your papers through a grammar and/or plagiarism software before submission. has a free online checker. Northeast Texas Community College | Funeral Service Education P.O. Box 1307 Mt. Pleasant TX 75456 | 903-434-8314 direct | 903-434-8100 main Find us on Facebook 5. Read through your paper twice before submission. Use this rubric to conduct a self-assessment and ensure you have met all the required components of the project. You might even consider having a family member or friend read your essay before submission. 6. Finally, remember copying and pasting from the internet or another person's work is considered plagiarism. You will receive an automatic zero if this found to have happened. Reread step for success number four! Grading Grading of your essays will be required in a good portion of your Funeral Service Education courses and will be a part of your final grades. Percentages of your final grade will depend on the course and your instructor. All submissions are due by 11:59 Central Standard Time (Texas) on Monday of each week unless your instructor specifies differently. It is essential to recognize that the essay might only be one portion of a project grade. The purpose of this rubric is to offer clear expectations and set students up to be successful. The essay grade will be composed of the following categories: Expectations Structure: For strong grades, the organization of the paper must flow logically. Transitions must be thought-out and smooth. Grammar: The essay should have proper sentence structure and use appropriate punctuation. On Topic: Address the subject matter as much as possible (don't let your written thoughts stray). Content: Meets the requirements of the project. The instructor will identify the expectations for content. Accuracy: Use quotes from the articles and textbooks that support your topic. Please references and include page numbers or websites when you do that. Experience: Bring in related prior knowledge (work experience, prior coursework, readings, etc.). Professional Language: Use of proper professional language and appropriate industry-specific terminology. Northeast Texas Community College | Funeral Service Education P.O. Box 1307 Mt. Pleasant TX 75456 | 903-434-8314 direct | 903-434-8100 main Find us on Facebook Grading Rubric Criteria Failing Below Standard Average Good Excellent Content Contribution Weight 25.00% 0% Does not understand the content in which they are speaking of. 50% Provides a weak representation of material. Minimal understanding and preparation are obvious. 80% Understands and offers the minimum required content knowledge. 90% Is at ease with content knowledge and offers a somewhat clear purpose and/or subject-matter knowledge. All content requirements are met and standards are exceeded. 100% Demonstrates full knowledge of content area. Provides clear purpose and/or subject-matter knowledge. All content requirements are met and standards are exceeded. References, Experience & Support Weight 15.00% 0% Includes no references or supporting experience. 50% Uses personal experience/reflecti on, but no references to readings or research. 80% Uses personal experience/reflection, but minimal references to readings or research. [include page # or weblink of references] 90% Incorporates some references from literature and personal experience/reflection. [Include page # or weblink of references] 100% Uses references to literature, readings, and personal experience/reflection to support comments. [include page # or weblink of references] Accurate & On-topic Weight 25.00% 0% Essay was unorganized or contained multiple errors or may be inappropriate. 50% Essay did not provide a clear main idea or theme as required by the project requirements. 80% Communicated information by providing a clear main idea or theme with minimal support and detail, meeting the required essay requirements. 90% Communicated information that aligned with the essay idea or theme. Remained on topic throughout the essay. 100% Communicated information by providing a clear main idea or theme with support that contains significant and meaningful detail. Remained on topic throughout the essay. Northeast Texas Community College | Funeral Service Education P.O. Box 1307 Mt. Pleasant TX 75456 | 903-434-8314 direct | 903-434-8100 main Find us on Facebook Criteria Failing Below Standard Average Good Excellent Grammar & Punctuation Weight 15.00% 0% Fails to meet minimum standard. 50% Rarely uses proper sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, citation style, and spelling. 80% Some correct use of, but also problems in, sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, citation style, and spelling. 90% Sentence structure and grammar, generally strong, with only occasional lapses in punctuation, citation style, and spelling. Sentence structure and grammar excellent; correct use of punctuation and citation style, no spelling errors. 100% Sentence structure and grammar excellent; correct use of punctuation and citation style, no spelling errors. Professional Language Weight 20.00% 0% Failed to use professional language appropriately or demonstrated a lack of knowledge. 50% Made multiple errors in the use of correct professional language or terminology. 80% Used basic terminology correctly. May have 1-2 errors in terminology usage. Delivery of oral report professional. 90% Used all terminology correctly and professional language throughout the presentation. 100% Used all terminology correctly and was confident in correctness. Professional language was used throughout the presentation.