TOPIC: Technology
and Job replacement in the US
This project has two components, a
Research Paper(40 points) and a PowerPoint Presentation ( 20 points).
Carefully read the project deliverables, requirements, and instructions on how to complete it.
Research Paper Requirements
2000 words
- the paper must have 2000 words of research content. Keep in mind that the title page and the reference page do not count as part of the word count requirement. Include the (Word Count 2000)at the end of your conclusion
Include a title page and a reference page
7 Sources -
The paper must have a total of 7 sources
5 Quality Sources-
in the reference page include at least 5 quality sources which can be: textbook, government websites, agency websites, international business publications, independent articles, international organizations such as The World Bank, or The World Trade Organization Don’t use Wikipedia
2 Peer-reviewed Academic Articles
– Use the SPC library to find 2 Peer-review articles that support your research. In the Reference page include a separateSub-Headingthat clearly shows the 2 articles you found and analyzed
7 sources
must be cited throughout the paper
APA Format – paper must be submitted in
7thEdition APA format
Paper must be written in 3rdperson
You need to include a subheading for each section of the paper as follows:
Central Issue
Country Profile
International Business Literature
Solutions & Recommendations
Research Paper Instructions
Section I
-Choose a topic in international business and identify a particularCentral Issue/Problemwithin the topic that affects a country outside The United States
Central Issue or problem
must be within the field of International Business; therefore, it must be closely related to the concepts and materials found in the textbook
To guide you in your selection, first review the core topics found in each chapter and then think of an area of interest you would like to research
For instance, Chapter 6 discusses
International Trade
; a central issue within this topic is a country’s
Trade Deficit
Chapter 11 discusses
International Tax Strategies
, a central issue within this topic is
Tax Havens
Chapter 18 discussesGlobal Operations and Supply Chain Managementadditional resource; you can choose one of theCentral Issues/Topicsfrom the list shown below
Country Selection –
You will need to identify and discuss what country is mostly exposed to the central issue.
The main objective forSection Iis for you to:
clearly articulateWHATthe central issue/problem is
describe the significance as toWHYthis central issue/problem matters for that country
you must clearlyconnect the topic to the problem, and the problem to the country
Section II
–Country Profile
In the spirit of enriching your global outlook, in Section II you will present a profile of a country outside The United States. The profile needs to include information related to that country’s
Financial indicators such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), trade balances, Foreign Direct Investment, and external debt
Economic indicators (how does this country ranks globally? is it an advanced economy? Is it an emerging economy? It is a third world economy?
Main industries
Social indicators such as demographics, and social classes
Foreign Direct Investment
International or regional alliances that this country belongs to
Selecting a country
Review Chapter 13 - Country Evaluation of Selection
Avoid selecting a topic AND country for which there is limited information, academic literature, data, case studies, reviews, or articles
Do not select countries in the OFAC list (North Korea, Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, or Sudan)
Yes, you
select a foreign country and link it to the United States based on an international business topic. For instance, Ireland and The United States: Global Taxation Strategies; China and The United States: Global Supply Chain; Bangladesh and The United States: Outsourcing and child labor
Section III Review of the International Business Literature
This is an in-depth review, thus the objective for this section is for you to demonstrate your knowledge, understanding, analysis, and insights related to the
Topic and The Central Issue
. To accomplish this objective, you need to conduct of comprehensive review ofrelevant literaturethat includes, but is not limited to
Identifying and analyzing theories that explain the topic of investigation
Identifying and analyzing international business strategies
Identifying, incorporating, and analyzing key concepts from the textbook that explain the topic and central issue
Comparing & contrasting different viewpoints, arguments, and studies’ findings
Identifying and analyzing key facts in the international business environment
Identifying and analyzing key data and statistics applicable to your topic and the central issue
Identifying and analyzing trends
Presenting and analyzing examples that support your topic and the central issue
Identifying and analyzing international business reports
Identifying and discussing names of key corporations, global organizations, regional agreements, and important leaders
The above points are listed in no particular order. You will need to build the flow of your literature review. You will need to “connect the dots/points” and decide in which order they need to be to create a cohesive review.
Section IV – Solutions and Recommendations
Now that you have a conducted solid review of the literature; it is time to discuss possible solutions and make recommendations to improve the central issue. Be tactical and strategic in your recommendations. Prioritize the proposed solutions. Discuss the HOW AND WHY these solutions could be effective.Do not write this section in 1stperson (I think, I believe).Instead, you need to write it in 3rdperson as it will present a more objective approach.
Be sure to support your solutions and recommendation with sources and evidence of research.
To give you a visual of how you need to structure and approach this this project, here is a good example of a current issue in international business
India and The United States
: International Human Resources Management
Central Issue/Problem:
Asian Brain drain, the exodus of Top-talent from India to the west. This is a trend and a problem for India in recent years. Smart and talented professionals are leaving India and migrating to the west.
PowerPoint Presentation Requirements (20 points)
Develop a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes the components of your paper’s central issue, country facts, key international business concepts, theories, research findings, conclusions, and recommendations
Include graphics, charts, tables, and visuals
8 slides – your PPP needs to have a minimum of 8 slides which should be:
6 slides of presentation content and material
2 slides; one for the title slide and final slide for the references