TOPIC: Contemporary Issues in Health Care. Note: A Blog is one of many Web 2.0 collaborative tools; it allows students to communicate with colleagues and share learning and resources. Students will be...

TOPIC: Contemporary Issues in Health Care. Note: A Blog is one of many Web 2.0 collaborative tools; it allows students to communicate with colleagues and share learning and resources. Students will be introduced to the use of the blog function during week 1, via the “Introduce Yourself Here” button in Blackboard My chosen health issue is (Refugee health in Australia) I myself am a legal refugee , came through a UN Humanitarian visa and had to go through a process before approved to come to Australia. Arrived here 2003. Can you also write a little bit about coming as a refuge? Blog assessment Task content Your initial blog should address four main points: (Refugee health in Australia) 1. Describe a contemporary issue in health care and explain why it presents a challenge in clinical practice. 2. Identify the issues for people affected by this problem including the impact on individuals and their communities or workplace. 3. Critically discuss strategies that could be considered for implementation in the acute care AND primary health care/community setting (including cultural considerations) to address these issues. 4. Describe the implications of these issues for advanced practice nurses and nurse practitioners in terms of their need for education, resources and support Assessment grading (Your Blog will not be graded until it is submitted to Turnitin). Each student will be assessed on ONE Blog entry (1400 words) in which you address the task items 1-4 and present the information to your colleagues. Note: It is expected that your blog entries will demonstrate Masters level academic writing and be focused on the topic. Your responses and discussion should be informed by your readings, professional experiences and supported by current research. All references must be cited and fully referenced in the blog. The reference list is not included in the word limit Due 26 June 1,400 words APA reference Masters level essay Relevant resources to be used for reference as well. [email protected] Mutair, A. A., Plummer, V., O'Brien, A. P., & Clerehan, R. (2014). Providing culturally congruent care for Saudi patients and their families. Contemporary Nurse: A Journal For The Australian Nursing Profession, 46(2), 254-258. doi:10.5172/conu.2014.46.2.254 Vydelingum, V. (2006). Nurses experiences of caring for South Asian minority ethnic patients in a general hospital in England. Nursing Inquiry, 13(1), 23-32. Queensland Health Multicultural Health Guidelines to Practice: Providing Care to Patients from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds O'Brien, A. P. (2000). The Development of Mental Health in Koori Adolescents: Stories and Memories from their Youth. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis. University of New England. Armidale. Omeri, A. (2004). Cultural Diversity: A challenge for community nurses. Contemporary Nurse, 17(3), 183-191. Omeri, A, (2006) Diversity challenges in the context of multicultural Australia. In Daly, J., Speedy, S. & Jackson, D. Contexts of Nursing. Sydney: Churchill and Livingston Elsevier.

Oct 07, 2019

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