Topic: Big Data Analysis You are required to submit on Blackboard (before midnight of Wed. 11/4 your reflections as it is required in the template provided in Blackboard. Please, try not to exceed 2...

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Topic: Big Data Analysis You are required to submit on Blackboard (before midnight of Wed. 11/4 your reflections as it is required in the template provided in Blackboard. Please, try not to exceed 2 pages (you do not need to write a paper, just fill out the template). 1. Write an argument related to your research topic. The argument must meet the requirements of the figure that is on page 116 and a claim’s evaluation . 2. Explain with your own words this element of an argument, according to Booth et al, The Craft of Research. 3. Write down the specific part of your argument that meets the argument’s element. PowerPoint Presentation INF 200 Research Methods for Informatics Eleventh week> Asynchronous Presentation content Welcome to the eleventh week of the course This week’s topic This week’s reading reflections This week’s peer discussion Future activities 2 This is a very important week because you will have the chance to dissect an argument! Believe me, it is useful. If we concede that academic writing is a discussion, it make sense to train our argumentation skills. Also, this week we will explore some options of data analysis in research and you will get information about how to write the conclusions in your research report. Welcome! 3 This week’s activities The activities that you need to work on are: Peer discussion 9. Reflections on the readings making emphasis and the own research (due on Wednesday 11/4). Peer discussion 9. The students will work in teams in the identification of the data analysis process in the academic articles provided by the professor. (Discussion window: Thursday to Saturday until 8 p. m.) Quiz 7. Questions about writing arguments and conclusions (due on Friday 10/9) 4 This week’s activities This week we do not have: > Readings or > Reading reflections The activities that you need to work on are: Peer discussion 7. The students will work in teams in the elaboration of their questionnaires and definition of the population to be surveyed. (Discussion window: Monday after class to Saturday to 8 p. m.) Submit the activity for the semester project. The revision of the literature is due on Friday 10/30. 5 Peer discussion I will post the instructions by Wednesday. Arguments 7 The ability to simulate the future Yes, there have been some criticism toward our brain design but it is also fantastic. Let’s watch ~4 minutes of this video (from 24:15 to 29:02) [Dr. Kaku is an American theoretical physicist and futurist that follows the legacy and work of Albert Einstein.] Tools to simulate the scenarios One amazing possibility that we have is to imagine scenarios. Going back and forward several times over and over the same action-situation. We can also modify the action-situation and try different strategies and check again the situation to notice what has changed. For example, when you have a discussion with your supervisor, what if you have said this or that, what might be his or her reaction, how would you react to the new actions-situations. Hopefully, you are seeing as I am seeing, how much power comes with mastering “the ability to simulate the future in complex and realistic ways”, just like Dr. Kaku is pointing out. I mean learning and getting experience from that simulation. Being prepared for the next steps. 9 Creating powerful arguments KNOWING YOUR AUDIENCE We can have a deep and structured conversation with a person right inside of our minds. If we know the person we can provide a voice or give that person the voice of someone in their situation. Even we can [mentally] engage in a discussion with that person. For doing that, we need to think about the arguments that others could present and analyze them in advance, think in the best way to respond to those arguments and what person would replay to us. This week will learn some basic concepts of how to build robust arguments. If I move the Queen If the opponent sacrifice the bishop for a pe-on Study chess games > learning options, 10 Simulate the future For reducing the GAP between reality and what we would like to think [and creating even more compelling arguments] (1) to think about the arguments that that person might not being seeing but we do or she or he know but do not want to use it still, (2) try to see if there are other facets of the problem that both of your are not seeing. In that way we can accept, reject, or build over them. Steps for creating good arguments Creating compelling arguments is an exercise of scenario simulation. Each of us hopes to have an outstanding capacity to persuade others and formulate convincing arguments. We need to understand the process to create an argument and to practice it (intensively until it becomes natural). The first step is that you commit to finding the truth. Even if later you decide to present just one side of the coin because it is convenient for your interests or the interests that you represent. 12 Arguments The second step is to understand what an argument is as well as the basic elements and structure. You will find this in this week’s readings. The third step is to enter into dialectic process, which means to evaluate different and contradictory points of view. The goal is not to confirm that we are right but to mind the gap between what we as individuals think the reality is and what reality is. Said in another way, not fool ourselves trying to see only one perspective. UNDERSTANDING ARGUMENTATION AND PERSUASION “Although the terms persuasion and argumentation are frequently used interchangeably, they do not mean the same thing. Persuasion is a general term that refers to how a writer influences an audience to adopt a belief or follow a course of action. To persuade an audience, a writer relies on various kinds of appeals —appeals based on emotion (pathos), appeals based on logic (logos), and appeals based on the character reputation of the writer (ethos)” (Kirszner & Mandell, 2011). Kirszner, L. G., & Mandell, S. R. (2011). Patterns for college writing: A rhetorical reader and guide. Macmillan. UNDERSTANDING ARGUMENTATION AND PERSUASION “Argumentation is the appeal to reason. In an argument, a writer connects a series of statements so that they lead logically to a conclusion. Argumentation is different from persuasion in that it does not try to move an audience to action; its primary purpose is to demonstrate that certain ideas are valid and others are not. Moreover, unlike persuasion, argumentation has a formal structure: an argument makes points, supplies evidence, establishes a logical chain of reasoning, refutes opposing arguments, and accommodates the audience’s views” (Kirszner & Mandell, 2011). Kirszner, L. G., & Mandell, S. R. (2011). Patterns for college writing: A rhetorical reader and guide. Macmillan. Argument’s elements In the readings you will made a dissection of an argument Arguments and Readings In this week’s readings, you will learn about the structure of an argument. I have not seen any other text that better explains what arguments are, than chapters seven, eight, and nine of Booth et al. (1995) book, The Craft of Research. Please, read the [very short] chapters carefully. This week’s assignments and discussion are based on them. Writing conclusions There are several ways to write a conclusion for a research paper. We are writing the research design, although we do not have yet finding to discuss [you will have them once you collect and analyze the data] besides your findings in the literature review. In your paper you will write a conclusion summarizing some the key points that the readers might keep in mind. In the conclusion you need to connect your research question(s), the relevant findings in the literature review, as well as a quick reflection on how the data that will be collected will inform your research questions. You should also present a general idea of the potential contribution and relevance of your research. Writing conclusions For your draft of the research design report you need to write your conclusions so far. Please, watch this video about how to write a conclusion paragraph for a research paper Reading reflections You are required to submit on Blackboard (before midnight of Friday 11/6 your reflections as it is required in the template provided in Blackboard. Please, try no to exceed 2 pages (you do not need to write a paper, just fill out the template). 1. Write an argument related to your research topic. The argument must meet the requirements of the figure that is on page 116 and a claim’s evaluation . 2. Explain with your own words this element of an argument, according to Booth et al, The Craft of Research. 3. Write down the specific part of your argument that meets the argument’s element. 4. Submit on Blackboard. I will post two examples of this activity from previous semesters, if you want to look at how this activity looks once completed. 20 Extra-point activity Instructions Future activities Keep in mind that the activities for this and the following week are (from the syllabus): 22 Crafting Arguments Your argument (It must meet the requirements of the figure that is on page 116 and a claim’s evaluation ). Argument’s Element Explain with your own words this element of an argument, according to Booth et al, The Craft of Research Write down the specific part of your argument that meets the argument’s element Claim Claim of your argument: Reasons Reasons that support your argument: Evidence Pieces of evidence that support your argument: Warrant Warrants: Acknowledge Acknowledgement: Response Response: Claim’s evaluation Claim’s evaluation: Scanned using Book ScanCenter 5022 CHAPTER SEVEN Making Good Arguments: An Overview In this chapter we discuss the nature of a research argument and the five questions whose answers constitute one. You can’t wait to plan an argument supporting the answer to your question until you have every last bit of data. In the first place, you’ll never get them all. But more important, you can’t know what data you need until you sketch the argument they fit into. Only after you sort your data into the elements of an argument that answers your readers’ predictable questions can you see what research you still have to do. But more than that, when you plan your argument early, you grasp your material better and avoid wasted effort, espe­ cially return trips to the library.
Answered Same DayNov 02, 2021

Answer To: Topic: Big Data Analysis You are required to submit on Blackboard (before midnight of Wed. 11/4 your...

Moumita answered on Nov 03 2021
161 Votes
Crafting Arguments (big data analysis)
    Your argument (It must meet the requirements of the figure that is on page 116 and a claim’s evaluati
on ).
    Big data analysis should be performed by making effective claims regarding the topic of the research. With the evaluation of the specific reason behind the claim, researchers can adopt relevant data with the performances of the big data analysis. This process clearly defined that before making an analysis, the researcher must claim the contents that they want to adopt from the results of that analysis method. On this note, researchers must determine the kind of claim that should be made in case of performing a successful big data analysis. Without the involvement of the specific claim, the adoption of the proper results cannot be performed. To claim the expected results, there is the requirement of involving specific logic in the big data analysis process. Through the involvement of the specific topic of the research data can be collected from the existing theory or articles with the performances of big data analysis. In the case of specifying the claims within the big data analysis method, researchers must apply the specific language. Presence of specific language can help to compare claims in case of adopting relevant results.
    Argument’s Element
    Explain with your own words this element of an argument, according to Booth et al, The Craft of...

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