Topic A: Animal Rights Assuming the research by DeWaal is correct, most if not all social animals have innate dispositions to cooperate for survival and as such, develop moral codes for behavior. As such, should humans not work more to ensure animals have basic rights even if they cannot ask for them? What rights should those be and is there some sort of hierarchy (should dogs have more rights than mice). 250+ word length 9/23/21, 8:53 PM Rubric Assessment - PHIL200 D011 Summer 2021 - APEI… 1/3 PHIL LD Discussion Rubric v2.0 Course: PHIL200 D011 Summer 2021 Criteria Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning Did Not Attempt Criterion Score Initial Response / 4040 points Initial response meets the discussion prompt requirements and demonstrates understanding of the Lesson and readings. Student shares firsthand experiences and brings something new to the discussion. 34 points Initial response mostly meets the discussion prompt requirements and demonstrates basic understanding of the Lesson and readings. Student shares firsthand experiences and/or brings something new to the discussion. 30 points Initial response follows the discussion prompt requirements but does not demonstrate understanding of the Lesson or readings. Student does not share any firsthand experiences or bring anything new to the discussion. 26 points Initial response does not follow the discussion prompt requirements and does not demonstrate understanding of the Lesson or readings. Student does not share any firsthand experiences or bring anything new to the discussion. 0 points Did not attempt. 9/23/21, 8:53 PM Rubric Assessment - PHIL200 D011 Summer 2021 - APEI… 2/3 Criteria Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning Did Not Attempt Criterion Score Peer Replies / 4040 points Student responds to peers, advances the discussion, and does two of the following: Poses a thought ful questio n; Shares addition al content or sources; Shares insights or offers perspec tive; Provides alternati ve point-of view; Makes addition al connecti ons to the topic. 34 points Student responds to peers, advances the discussion, and does one of the following: Poses a thought ful questio n; Shares addition al content or sources; Shares insights or offers perspec tive; Provides alternati ve point-of view; Makes addition al connecti ons to the topic. 30 points Student responds to peers, minimal ly advances the discussion, and does one of the following: Poses a thought ful questio n; Shares addition al content or sources; Shares insights or offers perspec tive; Provides alternati ve point-of view; Makes addition al connecti ons to the topic. 26 points Student responds to peer(s) but does not advance the discussion, and does not add to the discussion. 0 points Did not attempt. 9/23/21, 8:53 PM Rubric Assessment - PHIL200 D011 Summer 2021 - APEI… 3/3 Total / 100 Overall Score Criteria Exemplary Accomplished Developing Beginning Did Not Attempt Criterion Score Writing Quality / 2020 points Uses graceful language that skillfully communicates meaning to readers with clarity and fluency, and is virtually error- free. 17 points Uses straightforwar d language that generally conveys meaning to readers. The language has few errors. 15 points Uses language that generally conveys meaning to readers with clarity, although writing may include some errors. 13 points Uses language that sometimes impedes meaning because of errors in usage. 0 points Did not attempt. Exemplary 90 points minimum Accomplished 80 points minimum Developing 70 points minimum Beginning 60 points minimum Did Not Attempt 0 points minimum
May 22, 2022

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