Topic 1: Please comment onLuminairetypes as listed in table 20-15.
Topic 2:Explain the progression of fire, and then list the classifications of fire.
Topic 3:With respect to Telecommunication Systems, What is a "topology"? Compare and contrast three topologies used in building telecommunication systems.
Table 20.15
the light distribution produced by Luminaires are categorized as shown below.
Luminaire type distribution produce by luminaires
Direct 90 to 100% of the light is direct downward for
maximum use
Indirect 90 to 100% of the light is directed to the ceiling and
upper walls and is reflected all parts of a room
90 to 100% of the light is directed downward for
maximum use
Semidirect 60 to 90% of the light are directed downward with the
remainder directed upward
General diffuse or Equal portions of the light are directed upward and
Direct-indirect download
Highlighting beam projection distance and focusing ability
characterize this luminaire