Topic 1: Common Organizational Designs

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Topic 1: Common Organizational Designs

Examine the common organizational designs as listed below, summarize each, and then select and defend your choice as the best one for a traditional police organization.

Simple structure

Bureaucracy structure

Matrix structure

Virtual structure

Team structure

Circular structure

Answered Same DayJan 20, 2021

Answer To: Topic 1: Common Organizational Designs

Rupsha answered on Jan 20 2021
147 Votes
Running Head: Common Organizational Structures     
Common Organizational Structures     2
Table of Contents
Common Organizational Structures    3
Simple Structure    3
Bureaucracy Structure    3
Matrix Structure    3
Virtual Structure    3
Team Structure    4
Circular Structure    4
Best Organizational Structure for Traditional Police Organization    4
References    5
Common Organizational Structures
Simple Structure
    Simple structure is the basic structure among the organizational design structures, which has low departmentalization. Simple structure is formed in small and startup companies, where workforce is not massive and business owners majorly control and manage the function of the business in the simple structure. As mentioned by Steenkamp (2017), simple structured organizations are considered flat as they lack in maintaining hierarchical levels.
Bureaucracy Structure
    Bureaucracy Structure is a common organizational structure followed by large organizations of the government. This structure is hierarchical maintaining ordered levels of the management. The employees of the lower levels of management are managed and controlled by the...

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