'to what extent has feminism achieved its political goals

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'to what extent has feminism achieved its political goals

Answered Same DayDec 23, 2021

Answer To: 'to what extent has feminism achieved its political goals

Robert answered on Dec 23 2021
132 Votes
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To what extent has feminism achieved its political goals
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This essay is written with the objective of understanding the level to which feminism has
achieved its political goals. The Feminist movement has been regarded as a movement to end
sexiest oppression. However, at the same time it requires adequate goals and objectives to be
achieved. The position of women have been very weak in front of male, who dominate in
terms of legal, social and cultural position in the society, but as the revolution started,
changes have been taken place in the society. This paper illustrates various problems that are
being faced by women such as discrimination in terms of gender, race, colour, power,
authority and position in the society.
This paper also illustrates various reasons tha
t cause such problems, which rooted from the
social and cultural background. After this, major feminist movements have been analyzed
that how it helped in improving the position of women in the society. These movements were
started with particular objectives and all have helped in empowering women. Major findings
of this report include strong influence of culture and social structure on the dominant role of
women. Major findings states that these movements have helped in improving the position of
women greatly by empowering them legally and proving them economic empowerment.
However, still accomplishments of full objectives have not been done.
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Table of Contents

Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4
Feminism.................................................................................................................................... 4
Political goals of Feminism ....................................................................................................... 5
Causes that impacted women position in the society................................................................. 6
Psychoanalysis and Feminism ............................................................................................... 6
Sexual Politics ........................................................................................................................ 7
Marriage ................................................................................................................................. 7
Marxism feminism ................................................................................................................. 8
Women’s Oppression Today .................................................................................................. 8
Feminism movement .................................................................................................................. 9
First wave ............................................................................................................................... 9
Second wave ........................................................................................................................ 10
Third wave ........................................................................................................................... 11
Political ideologies of Feminism ............................................................................................. 11
Liberal feminism .................................................................................................................. 11
Radical feminism ................................................................................................................. 12
Ecofeminists ......................................................................................................................... 13
Separatist feminism .............................................................................................................. 13
Identity politics ........................................................................................................................ 14
Current Scenario ...................................................................................................................... 14
Future scope of Feminism ........................................................................................................ 15
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 15
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................ 17
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Gender equality has always been a controversial topic in the global market. There have been
several movements and laws for ensuring equal position for both males and females in the
society. This report has been written with the objective of understanding the position of
women in the society. It aims at analyzing different movements that have occurred to
improve the position of women in the society. This report will focus on analyzing different
ideologies, theories and campaigns that have undertaken in the society to improve the
position of women and foster equality in terms of different social, political and economic
rights of women.
This report is comprised in-depth analysis on the definition of feminine’s, what this concept
is all about It moves towards analyzing different movements that have taken place to improve
women position in the society. It also includes analysis of different political ideologies of
feminism. This report aims at understanding the different factors on which women’s position
needs to be improved and to the extent, it has improved or not. It is also aimed at analyzing
the extent to which major political goals of feminism have been achieved in the society; and
strategies that can be adopted to improve their position in the future.

The concept of feminism is based on the conviction that men and women have not been
treated equally in the society. It also states that women’s have never been given enough
opportunity to participate actively in the society; which needs to be changed. According to
Barbara Smith (1981), feminism is a concept that aims at ensuring freedom for all women
that includes discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, colour, economically weak
women, physically challenged woman, lesbians, aged women, heterosexual women,
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economically established women; it focuses on both strong and weak women. This notion
aims at treating women like human beings (Moraga & Anzaldúa, 2002).
Feminism can be defined as a liberating force that seeks freedom from oppressive
stereotypes. According to Michael E. Levin, there are few major situations to the
characterization of feminism; it includes the concept of feminism as sympathetic outsider, it
can be defined as a critique of some features of society. The concept aims at delivering
justice for all women in the society. The concept of feminism is aimed at transforming the
society and the position of women (Levin, 1987).
Political goals of Feminism

Feminism is a political movement; it aims at securing the position of women in the society.
Though there are several laws, policies and movement undertaken; however, still there is a
huge left to be done. Major political goals of feminist movements are as follows;
 Gender Equal position is a major issue that has been discussed by the policies and
theorist under feminism. This theory aims at fostering equal opportunity for men and
women in the society (Haworth, 2004).
 Role of women in nuclear families such as single mother, divorcee etc needs to be
improved in the society; so that women get proper alimony and custodies in such
 Abortion rights claim that women should have the right to take decision in regards to
their reproductive system and access to legal action.
 Education rights aims at delivering equal literacy rights to women.
 Freedom from sexual oppression deals with the concept of sexual politics and
violence that is done on women by men in time of intimacy or rape etc.
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 Legislation equality is also demanded by such movements.
 It aims at demonstrating the importance of women in the society and their role as
subordinate to men.
 Women should share equal...

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