To develop a demo scene using OpenGL C++ in Visual Studio. (Have a starter template with starter functions) The main requirements for your demo scene are to:1. Model and load at least six different...

To develop a demo scene using OpenGL C++ in Visual Studio. (Have a starter template with starter functions)

The main requirements for your demo scene are to:1. Model and load at least six different objects - models with textures will be provided2. Write your own materials and lighting.3. Implement a scene mechanism and camera system.4. Add animation and interaction to the objects & scene - animation and scene idea will be provided

The scene: a small diorama kitchen.Template:

F20GA: 3D Graphics and Animation S1 2019 F20GA Assessed Coursework Designing, implementing and demonstrating a real-time 3D demoscene Overview of the Coursework This coursework is an individual project, and you will need to demonstrate and explain your work in a dedicated lab session. Furthermore, you will need to submit your original solution for this coursework consisting of a small written technical report including code. The main learning objective of this coursework is for you to create a demoscene, in doing so you will investigate several core concepts in computer graphics theory, develop your programming skills in 3D graphics and animation, and have a working demo to show future employers. Tools, Libraries, and Environment The following software technologies are available for the development of your demoscene: • Visual Studio IDE ( • Autodesk Maya 2019 ( The following open source libraries are recommended to complete this coursework: • GLFW Library ( • GLEW Library ( • GLM Library ( • Windows API (available as a Visual Studio add-on) The following open source programming interfaces are required for this coursework: • OpenGL core version 4.2 or later ( These tools are available on the Edinburgh (GRID DL and Game Studio) and Dubai lab machines. If you want to develop the demoscene in your laptop, you may be required to install some of the above software. Please follow the links above for download, installation and usage instructions. Modern OpenGL is a requirement; therefore, coursework running in other interfaces (e.g., Unity, Unreal Engine, or legacy OpenGL) will receive no marks. Finally, you will need to compile and demonstrate your demoscene in the lab computers (not personal laptops). Task The assessed coursework consists of understanding, designing and implementing a small-scale rendering and animation system that will demonstrate the various concepts learned throughout the course. The groundwork necessary to complete the assessment will take place in the lab sessions from week 1 to 6 and support will also be available in weeks 7 to 10. The main requirements for your demo scene are to: 1. Model and load at least six different objects. 2. Write your own materials and lighting. 3. Implement a scene mechanism and camera system. 4. Add animation and interaction to the objects & scene. You are encouraged to design a simple, well-defined scene that is creative, fits the coursework requirements, can be implemented in the allowed time, and can be demonstrated in the labs. A session in week 8 will be available for formative assessment of your scene ideas. Your technical report should include the core three sections below and an appendix section. Section Description Marks Models, instancing and scene. Explain the models you created, how you loaded them, and how they are instanced in the scene. 10 Light and Material Describe the materials and lights models including formulas, algorithms and code. 10 Animation, Interaction and camera system Explain the implementation of your animation, interaction and camera in your scene. 10 Marks will be awarded also for: Area Description Marks Demonstration ability Your ability to demonstrate and explain your work. Be sure to be able to compile, show and explain your code. 20 Creativity Marks will be awarded for your effort in creating an interesting demo scene (for example is there some visual story or narrative in your demo scene). 5 Technical quality report Marks will be awarded for the quality of the overall report. 5 F20GA: 3D Graphics and Animation S1 2019 Technical Report Style Your report needs to include the following sections: • Name, degree and student number. • A single paragraph explaining the idea behind your scene. • The three core sections. • A single paragraph concluding the report. Please use a two-column page format and do not exceed a maximum of 6 pages for your technical report. If needed, you can use an appendix section to further explain a section in your technical report. This appendix section will not count for your maximum page limit, but it will also not count towards your mark if used excessively. Finally, when adding code, please do not submit screenshots of your code. Visual Studio allow you to easily copy and paste straight to most text editors. Submission The deadline for submitting the report is 16:00 on Thursday the 5th of December 2019. You should submit an electronic version via Vision (report, zip with source code, and a zip with executable code). Late submissions will be subject to the normal penalties as defined below. The demonstration of your coursework will take place in Edinburgh in the lab sessions on Friday 6th of December 2019 and for Dubai students in the session on Thursday 5th of December 2019. Time slots will be posted in Vision. If you have any questions or queries about the assessment, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected] (Edinburgh) or [email protected] (Dubai). Notes • Any legacy code (immediate mode or OpenGL GL_ARB_compatibility extension), and external code or libraries will receive no credit towards your overall mark. • Coursework reports must be written in your own words and any code in your coursework must be your code. If some text or code in the coursework has been taken from other sources, these sources must be properly referenced and should be open for use. • Failure to reference work that has been obtained from other sources or to copy the words and code of another student is plagiarism, and if detected, this will be reported to the School's Discipline Committee. If a student is found guilty of plagiarism, the penalty could involve voiding the course. • You must never give hard or soft copies of your coursework reports or code to another student. You must always refuse any request from another student for a copy of your report and code. • Sharing a coursework report and code with another student is collusion, and if detected, this will be reported to the School's Discipline Committee. If found guilty of collusion, the penalty could involve voiding the course. Marking Guidelines Marking rubrics for this coursework are attached at the end. Late Submissions The University recognises that, on occasion, students may be unable to submit coursework on the submission date or be unable to present their work on the submission date. In these cases, the University’s Submission of Coursework Policy outlines are: • No individual extensions are permitted under any circumstances. • Standard 30% deduction from the mark awarded (maximum of five working days). • In the case where a student submits coursework up to five working days late, and the student has valid mitigating circumstances, the mitigating circumstances policy will apply, and appropriate mitigation will be applied. • Any coursework submitted after five calendar days of the set submission date shall be automatically awarded a no grade with no formative feedback provided. Any problems? Please do let us know if you have any problems. Or please contact your Personal Tutor or Year Coordinator if you are unable to meet the deadlines or need information for Temporal Suspensions of Studies (TSS) or Mitigating Circumstances (MC). F20GA: 3D Graphics and Animation S1 2019 # Course Learning Outcome Assessment Section Below Threshold (F – E) Threshold (E – C) Above Threshold (C – A) 1 Understanding and research into transformations, modelling, and projection concepts. Models, instancing and scene. (0.0 – 2.5) The description of the models, modelling and loading of them is missing or incomplete. Modelling, implementation code and explanation are missing. (2.5 – 5.0) The description of the models, modelling, and loading is described. Modelling, implementations code for loading the models and instancing is explained including snippets. (5.0 – 10.0) The description of the models, modelling and loading are described in detail. Loading is analysed, researched and explained in detail. Implementation algorithms and code are described in extend and loading of models is abstracted. 2 Develop and implement animation concepts and systems. Light and Material (0.0 – 2.5) No materials or lights are used or described. No code was explained. (2.5 – 5.0) Materials and light models are used. There is a description of the implementation using code. Default light and materials shown in lectures are used in the implementations. (5.0 – 10.0) A material and light system was developed, explained and analysed in the demoscene. There is a clear explanation of the materials and light concepts and how they were implemented in the demoscene. The implementation is described using algorithms, flow charts and code. Light and materials are different from the ones shown in lectures. 3 Ability to design, understand and implement a small-scale rendering and animation system. Animation, Interaction and Camera System (0.0 - 2.5) Animation and User interaction is missing or incomplete. No code was explained. (2.5 – 5.0) Animation, mouse or keyboard user interaction are described and explained using implementation code. (5.0 – 10.0) Mouse and keyboard user interaction are described in detail. The interactions were designed to influence the animation system, camera and materials. The implementation is described in detail using code. 4 Technical Report Quality (0.0 – 1.0) Missing sections and difficult to understand. (1.0 – 2.5) All sections are available, and the report is comprehensible. (2.5 – 5.0) Care was taken to produce the report, including code formatting and appendices. Technical quality is shown in the report. 5 Understanding and categorising Computer Graphics concepts. Demonstration (0 – 5.0) The student was unable to demonstrate and explain their demo scene. (5.0 – 10.0) The student could demonstrate and explain most of the areas in the demoscene. (10.0 – 20.0) The student was able to demonstrate and explain the demo scene sections including rendering loop, animation system, shaders and interactions successfully. The executable code from Vision worked. 6 Understanding and categorising Computer Graphics concepts. Creativity (0 – 1.0) No effort was present to include creativity on the demoscene. (1.0 – 2.5) Some effort was present to incorporate creative items to the demoscene. (2.5 – 5.0) A clear effort was shown to include creative elements in the scene. Feedback and your marks: you will receive feedback on the demonstration session, and feedback and marks within a maximum of 3 weeks after submitting your report (in line with the Universities Feedback on Coursework Policy).

May 18, 2022

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