Title: Discussion Board Task Description:  Provide a Constructive feedback of a student’s point of view regarding his comments of the difference between a patient’s demand for health care and the...

Title: Discussion Board Task Description:  Provide a Constructive feedback of a student’s point of view regarding his comments of the difference between a patient’s demand for health care and the need for health care found in the (Student’s attachment). Comment why you agree or disagree. This will need to be appropriately referenced. Main comment  Addresses the subject and the issues raised in the discussion  Evidence of an appropriate level of research regarding various concepts relating to the question  Demonstrates an appropriate level of understanding of the theoretical principles and concepts  Ideas are clearly articulated and coherently structured  Evidence of understanding of the student’s point of view  Constructive feedback regarding the student’s comments and if you agree or disagree with him and why  Use of evidence from literature attachment to support comment  Appropriate referencing Report should be presented in the following format. Main comment • Addresses the subject and the issues raised in the discussion • Evidence of an appropriate level of research regarding various concepts relating to the question • Demonstrates an appropriate level of understanding of the theoretical principles and concepts • Ideas are clearly articulated and coherently structured • Evidence of understanding of the student’s point of view • Constructive feedback regarding the student’s comments and if you agree or disagree with him and why Conclusion - Summary of key highlights of the discussion. Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of fundamental health economic concepts and how they apply within a health care setting. 2. Understand the various components of economic costs and benefits in the provision of health care. 3. Understand the basis of health care rationing decisions from an economic point of view.

Oct 07, 2019

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