Througlmut ''lmmune to R.ealicy," Gilbert desc1ibes mental operations using tenns f rom everyday Life: the brain is "one smart shopper"; our brains are "conspirators"; once we come up with an...

Througlmut ''lmmune to R.ealicy," Gilbert desc1ibes mental operations using tenns f rom everyday Life: the brain is "one smart shopper"; our brains are "conspirators"; once we come up with an explanation, "we can fold it up like freshly washed laundry, put it away in memory's drawer, and move on co the next one." Obviously, Gilbert is seeking to make his thoughts about hrn11an psychology readily accessible. but what exactly is he trying to convey with these descriptions? As you reread the essay, generate a list of the most significant images and analogies Gilbert uses to describe mental operations. What does this list tell you about Gilbert's theory of mind?

May 21, 2022

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