Assignment 3_ Workbook assignment part ...s_ Analysis of Variance and Regression ��������� ��� �������������������� ������������������������������������������ ����� ���������...

1 answer below »
Three separate tasks, see attachments using SPSS data set

Assignment 3_ Workbook assignment part ...s_ Analysis of Variance and Regression ��������� ��� �� ������������������ �� ���������������������������������� ������ � ���� ��������� ��!�� ���� "����!��!� "������!�� ��������� ����� �� ��#�# �������#��� �� ��#����#�#����� ��$ ��� �� ����������������� �� ���������������%����� ���� �� ����������!�!� ��� �&'()***+�(,-./0�1/23451/�5--67,2/,1�8�9:;<=�)>?@A�9B113-CDD-.6,EF0,/G,46,/H6,-10FI1F0/HIG2DIGF0-/-D8*J)DK64/-D))L>+LMDNG.,4G5NO.053PJA�9B113-CDD-.6,EF0,/G,46,/H6,-10FI1F0/HIG2DIGF0-/-D8*J)DK64/-D))L>+LMDNG.,4G5NONG.,4G5NQK0NPJA�9B113-CDD-.6,EF0,/G,46,/H6,-10FI1F0/HIG2DIGF0-/-D8*J)DK64/-D)*+J))JDNG.,4G5NO.053PJA����� ����!���������� ���� ������ ��������� ������ � ������"�R�!����������������!��STSS��!��!��������� ����� "%��������������� ���������� �� �UVWV�XYZ�[\\]̂_̀ a_W�bc�dYZefYYe�V\\]̂_̀ a_W�gVZW�h������� ������ ����� ������ �� �������%i j�� k� �� ����������!�� ��������� ����� ������������"l �� � �mn�� �mo ��� k� ����������p�� �� �"� �q� 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TASK A Note: Task A is a report question. See sample APA reports in Week 6 and Week 7 learning materials. Type your report below and include SPSS output / screenshots / etc. for this TASK in Appendix A. APPENDIX A Any output you produced for Task A TASK B Task B is a report question. See sample APA reports in Week 8 learning materials. Type your report below and include SPSS output / screenshots / etc. for this TASK in Appendix B. APPENDIX B Any output you produced for Task B TASK C Note: Task C is asking you to identify an error with each of the four section AND comment on how it should be changed to be correct. You should be looking for “actual errors” and not grammatical or ways to make the sentence sound better. Include SPSS output for this TASK in Appendix C. Reminder: there can be more than one error in each section. Example (not real) below: Section 1 Error 1: The dependent variable mentioned in the introduction (sadness) is incorrect Change to: Change “sadness” to “happiness” Error 2: The independent variable mentioned in the introduction (income) is incorrect Change to: Change “income” to “age” Section 2 Error: The variable on the x-axis (income) is incorrect Change to: Rename the variable on the x-axis from “income” to “age” Section 3 Error: The incorrect test (one sample Minh test) is described Change to: Rename “One-sample Minh test” to “Two-sample Minh test” Section 4 Error: The statement 1 + 1 = 3 is incorrect Change to: change the answer “3” to “2” Section 5 Error: The conclusion for the first hypothesis is incorrect Change to: As people get older, they are less more likely to become happier [Change less to more] Section 6 Error: No errors in this section Change to: no changes required APPENDIX C Any output you produced for Task C
Answered 1 days AfterSep 06, 2021STA20006Swinburne University of Technology

Answer To: Assignment 3_ Workbook assignment part ...s_ Analysis of Variance and Regression ��������� ���...

Suravi answered on Sep 07 2021
156 Votes
This document provides an example layout that you may find useful in setting up your assignment.
Note: Task A is a report question. See sample APA reports in Week 6 and Week 7 learning materials. Type your report below and include SPSS output / screenshots / etc. for this TASK in Appendix A.

From Anov
a, table it was seen that there is significant difference in the mean wellbeing scores among the therapy groups, since the p-value is 0.000 which is less than 0.05 also F- value is 75.621 which is greater.
Further to check our assumption that the participants undertaking CBT would report increased wellbeing scores as compare to psychoanalysis therapy and participants undertaking psychoanalysis therapy would report more wellbeing compared to participants exposed to behavioural therapy, we further perform Tukey HSD test. This was check from Multiple comparison test table.
We see that Psychoanalysis therapy mean differ from CBT by -6.0298 i.e. the sample mean of psychoanalysis is 6.0298 less than that of CBT so we can conclude that wellbeing scores of participant undertaking CBT on an average is 6.0298 more than that of psychoanalysis therapy.
Similarly, Psychoanalysis therapy mean differ from behavioural therapy it is -3.8095 i.e., the sample mean of psychoanalysis therapy is 3.8095 less than that of Behavioural therapy so we can conclude that wellbeing scores of participants undertaking Behavioural therapy on an average is 3.8095 more than that of psychoanalysis therapy. In other word we can say wellbeing score of therapies work in following order.
CBT > Behavioural > Psychoanalysis
Any output you produced for Task A
    Std. Deviation
    Std. Error
    95% Confidence Interval for Mean
    Lower Bound
    Upper Bound
Test of Homogeneity of Variances
    Levene Statistic
    Sum of Squares
    Mean Square
    Between Groups
    Within Groups
Multiple Comparisons
    Dependent Variable: Wellbeing
    (I) Counselling Therapy
    (J) Counselling Therapy
    Mean Difference (I-J)
    Std. Error
    95% Confidence Interval
    Lower Bound
    Upper Bound
    Tukey HSD
    *The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.
Task B is a report question. See sample APA reports in Week 8 learning materials. Type your report below and include SPSS output / screenshots / etc. for this TASK in Appendix B.
From Test between subjects, table it was seen that there is significant difference in the mean wellbeing scores among the therapy, since the p-value is 0.000 which is less than 0.05 also F- value is 75.621 which is greater than 1, but for Mental Health p-value is 0.059 i.e., greater than 0.05 thus we conclude that there is no significant difference between the mean wellbeing score between participants...

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