This will be your opportunity to select a special occasion speech. For example, speeches such as workplace, toasts, awards, nominations, acceptance, keynote, commencement, tributes, or eulogies are...

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This will be your opportunity to select a special occasion speech. For example, speeches such as workplace, toasts, awards, nominations, acceptance, keynote, commencement, tributes, or eulogies are all acceptable. In other words, you’re presenting a speech with a special purpose. This speech needs a brief introduction and conclusion, but the majority of your grade is based on the use of detailed, creative and specific support material, and can be delivered either as a manuscript speech or an extemporaneous speech. Points are based on having completed significant planning, which will also allow you to earn maximum points on the outline and speech presentation.Outline needs to be handed in on the day that you speak.The outline needs to be typed and in the standard outline format.

+ The documentation is done in the speech itself through citing your sources; the documentation should also be citied at the bottom of your outline, as
works citied.

*All speech outlines must be typed, in the required standard format with APA format for sources.

(Document attached as a guide)

Speech Outline Format (2017) Specific Purpose – At the end of my speech, the audience will … Introduction A. Attention Getter: B. Motivation to Listen: C. Thesis Statement: D. Establish Creditability: E. Preview Main Points: Body Outline I. Main Point #1: A. 1. 2. B. 1. 2. C. 1. 2. Transition - II. Main Point #2: A. 1. 2. B. 1. 2. C. 1. 2. Transition - III. Main Point #3: A. 1. 2. B. 1. 2. C. 1. 2. Transition - Conclusion A. Restate Central Idea & Review Main Points (Past tense): B. Summary Statement (Closer/ Clincher/ Call to Action): Works Cited Section · APA format required · 2 Sources required for Informative Speech · 4 Sources required for Persuasive Speech
Answered Same DayNov 04, 2021

Answer To: This will be your opportunity to select a special occasion speech. For example, speeches such as...

Moumita answered on Nov 05 2021
156 Votes
Last Name:    3
Title: Speech Format
Introduction    3
Body Outline    3
Conclusion    5
References    6

Attention Getter
    “Today’s current fads of business are centered on the leavings of workplace". Workplace is considered as home of educated citizens of the countries.
Motivation to Listen
    The issue of the workplace and its credential discussions will drive way the unsatisfied needs of the customers and employees
Thesis Statement
    The quality of the employee services and the quantity of the bulk of production is determining the positive impacts of the workplace.
Establishing Credibility
    Workplace will teach the credibility of finding a role model or leader in each and every personality of employee
Preview of Main points
    Workplaces will increase productivity, creativity and employee engagement.
Body Outline
Main point 1: Workplace increases productivity
A. 1. In a workplace, productivity is the main metaphor upon which backbone of an organization depends. Workplace needs productivity to diversify the business, which can increase money.
2. Productivity can make the operational costs in workplace much lower
B. 1)However, productivity leads the way...

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