This week's assignment involves writing aPython program to compute the weekly pay for a paper carrier. Your programshould prompt the user for the following numeric values:·the number of papers on the...

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This week's assignment involves writing a
Python program to compute the weekly pay for a paper carrier. Your program
should prompt the user for the following numeric values:


the number of papers on the route


the number of days the paper is delivered
per week


the amount of tips received for the week

program should define (not prompt) for the following:


the cost of each newspaper,


a percentage rate for his/her commission.
(the paper carrier gets a percentage of the cost of each newspaper)

total number of papers for week is number of papers times number of days. The
weekly salary is total number of papers for week times cost of each newspaper
times his percentage rate. The total pay should be computed as his weekly
salary plus his tips.

program should display output at the end of the program for the following:


the total number of papers delivered for the


the weekly salary,


the tips for the week,


the total pay for the week.

program should include Header comments (what the program does) and in-line
comments (the major design steps). Document the values you chose for the
cost per paper and percentage rate in your comments as well.

your Python program as a text file (.py) file. In addition, submit a
Design outline and a Test plan (3 different test cases) in a Word document or a
.pdf file which also includes a screen shot of execution of your program for
each test case.

submission must also adhere to the SubmissionRequirements document. (i.e.
Filename and display your name, class, date in the output).

Answered Same DayOct 27, 2022

Answer To: This week's assignment involves writing aPython program to compute the weekly pay for a paper...

Nidhi answered on Oct 28 2022
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