This week, you'll be building off of last week's assignment where you loaded and printed the weather database. Now, you're going to implement a menu that allows the user to do a few different things, and extend the user's options for how to manipulate the data. The menu will present four options to the user: load data, print data, search, and sort. Here is an example run that indicates how the interface for the menu should look: Welcome to Nick's weather analyzer! Would you like to (l)oad data, (p)rint data, (s)earch data, (o)rder the data, or (q)uit? l Please enter the file path: C:/Users/nicholas.insalata/Desktop/weather.txt 331 records loaded. Would you like to (l)oad data, (p)rint data, (s)earch data, (o)rder the data, or (q)uit? p Would you like to (l)oad data, (p)rint data, (s)earch data, (o)rder the data, or (q)uit? s Would you like to search by (d)ate, temperature (h)igh, (a)vg, (l)ow, (p)recipitation, or (e)vents? d What are the month and day of the record you'd like to see? 1 3 133430270 Would you like to (l)oad data, (p)rint data, (s)earch data, (o)rder the data, or (q)uit? s Would you like to search by (d)ate, temperature (h)igh, (a)vg, (l)ow, (p)recipitation, or (e)vents? e What event would you like to search for? Snow 173027240.02"Rain , Snow" 194136300.28"Rain , Snow" 1103835310.65"Rain , Snow" 1113229260.07Snow 1174434240.38"Rain , Snow" 273936320.08"Fog , Rain , Snow" 2264340370.14"Rain , Snow" 364640340.08"Rain , Snow , Thunderstorm" Would you like to (l)oad data, (p)rint data, (s)earch data, (o)rder the data, or (q)uit? o Would you like to sort by (d)ate, temperature (h)igh, (a)vg, (l)ow, (p)recipitation, or (e)vents? p Would you like to (l)oad data, (p)rint data, (s)earch data, (o)rder the data, or (q)uit? p 2164945411.64Rain 254640341.57Rain 10215953471.34Rain Would you like to (l)oad data, (p)rint data, (s)earch data, (o)rder the data, or (q)uit? q Thanks for using the weather analyzer!!! To make this work, you'll need to make use of a few switches in a repeating loop to reiterate the menu choices and write a few more functions. You'll need to make a function that can search in each data category, and one more function that can sort the data in each category. Here are the prototypes of the functions that you'll need: void search(Weather days[1000], int count); void sort(Weather days[1000], int count); From these prototypes, you can see that the code that asks the user what they wanted to search/sort for is going to have to be in the search/sort functions rather than in main. Otherwise, how would these functions know what category to use? This will probably take some time, so start early