This week, you will continue with your analysis of the selected publicly traded company (Apple). To do this:Summarize what you have learned about the company up until now.Analyze the disclosures...

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This week, you will continue with your analysis of the selected publicly traded company (Apple). To do this:

  • Summarize what you have learned about the company up until now.

  • Analyze the disclosures management section to determine where the auditors have noted the weaknesses in their reports (please note that you will need to research where the management has reported the status of their internal controls).

  • Analyze why the internal controls were noted as material weakness in the disclosures you’ve found.

  • Summarize what may have led to the breakdown of internal controls and how long this internal control weakness may have existed.

Answered 2 days AfterFeb 27, 2023

Answer To: This week, you will continue with your analysis of the selected publicly traded company (Apple). To...

Mayuri answered on Mar 01 2023
51 Votes
Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company founded by Steve Woznjak, Steve Jobs and Ronal Wayne that mainly works in world changing products such as smartphones, tablets, computers and music media devices.
It is one of the big five of American I.T. companies and controls the power to control market direction with a single decision.
Some major Apple products and services:
· Mac
· iPhone
· iPad
· Apple watch
· Apple tv
· Apple card
· Apple pay
· Apple tv+
· Apple music
· iTunes store
Some major advantages for apples are:
· World’s strongest brand:
It is the 8th time when apple has won the number 1 brand in the world making it one of the most reliable brands
· Innovation solely based on Technology:
Apple is solely based on its software and hardware technologies in which software is in the majority which helps the apple grow
· Very high-profit margin:
Apple mostly focus on high end customers meaning their product is expensive which result heavy profit margin
· Global reach:
Apple has its operation in more than 170 countries and is of great importance when it comes on global footprint. This makes it more recognizable to the public and helps with its publicity
Apple stock history:
Jan 2000: 0.94
Jan 2010: 7.62
Jan 2020: 74.06
Jan 2023: 130.28
We can also see that the price of apple stock rises very high in the last decade and nearly doubling in the last 3 years this is due to people having more money in their hand plus their technology advancement...

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