This test is open book and you can utilize other resources (not Wikipedia) to help you formulate your answers. This quiz covers chapters 1, 2, and 13. Please spell check and check for grammar on your...

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This test is open book and you can utilize other resources (not Wikipedia) to help you formulate your answers. This quiz covers chapters 1, 2, and 13. Please spell check and check for grammar on your answers. I do not count off for spelling and grammar but if I cannot read it, I’ll send it back and ask you to try again. All papers should be typed, but let me know if you have to answer by pen and paper.

Important notes, this is an academic assignment and please use APA formatting and appropriate citations for the work of others. What does that mean? It means you cannot copy and paste, it means if you quote someone else’s work you must use quotation marks and cite your source, which means you will a page at the end of your quiz with your references included. Please visit the writing center if you have any questions on academic writing. This is important not only for this class, but for future classes as well. I will work with you to help you learn this important skill if you need help. Also remember, academic papers, for the most part, never have the word I in them. This is an academic exercise, not an opinion exercise. For example you would not say, “I think the reason is…” you could say, “Research shows that …. Is the reason for this behavior.”

The Test

  1. Name 3 notable psychologists and describe in detail what contributions they made to the field of psychology. Included in your answer should be the subject matter expertise within the field of psychology (behaviorist, clinical, evolutionary, humanist, etc…).

  2. Explain what happened to Phineas Gage and why his case is so important to study as a topic in psychology. Please include the neurological impact this case provided to researchers.

  3. Describe in detail brain plasticity and why it is so important for our development.

  4. Name 3 parts of the endocrine system, what they do and what could happen if they fail.

  5. Explain the symptoms of someone who has a cocaine addiction.

  6. Explain common methods for a person to overcome and/or address an addiction.

  7. Explains the importance of sleep and what happens when we are sleep deprived.

  8. Provide an example of someone who haas PTSD and what steps that person can take to address the condition.

  9. Name and describe 3 eating disorders and include options to address them.

  10. Name three symptoms of someone who has a form of a personality disorder.

Each answer is no less than one paragraph and most are several paragraphs. So you have lots of time to work on this quiz, it is not due until Sunday, October 17 at 11:00 p.m.

Answered Same DayOct 17, 2021

Answer To: This test is open book and you can utilize other resources (not Wikipedia) to help you formulate...

Vidya answered on Oct 18 2021
150 Votes
1. Name 3 notable psychologists and describe in detail what contributions they made to the field of psychology. Included in your answer should be the matter expertise within the field of psychology (behaviorist, clinical, evolutionary, humanist, etc.).
i. CARL ROGERS : He is one of the prominent thinke
rs in psychology whose studies are cited as their primary influence by many therapists in the field of psychology. He is a clinical psychologist who developed a new approach of psychotherapy in his period called as “Client-centered therapy” and is also regarded as one of the founders of psychological with humanistic touch (or) humanistic psychology. Some of his major theories are self- actualization, unconditional positive regard, development of the self, congruence and the fully functioning person. His contributions to psychology mainly focused on human potential. He is considered to one of the most influential psychologists who belonged to 20th century (1).
ii. B. F. SKINNER : He is a behavior psychologist known for his influence on behaviorism. He is named as the most influential psychologist of 20th century. He believed that the direct result of conditioning caused all the human actions. “Radical behaviorism” was his philosophy which said that the free will concept was just an illusion. Some of his best known contributions were schedules of reinforcement, skinner box, cumulative recorder, radical behaviorism and operant conditioning. Among all these discoveries, the Skinner Box was a prominent one which was based on the reinforcement schedules, introduced response rates as a dependent variable and also created a cumulative recorder for tracking all the response rates.(2)
iii. CHARLES DARWIN : He is referred to as the “Father of Evolutionary Psychology”. Darwin’s theories made the researchers do inferences about the human behaviors like memory, learning, social interactions and emotions. His research also paved way for the psychological research of individual differences. The Descent of Man, The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals and Biographical Sketch of an Infant are the three publications done by Darwin on psychology which focused on the behavior, emotions and memory of humans.(3)
2. Explain what happened to Phineas Gage and why his case is so important to study as a topic in psychology. Please include the neurological impact this case provided to researchers.
Phineas Gage was an American railroad construction foreman. Once a large iron rod drove completely through his head accidently but had an improbable survival. This accident destroyed much of the left frontal lobe of his brain, which accounted for the changes in his personality and behavior in his later life.(4)
His case is an important study topic in psychology as he is the first patient from whom the relation between the function of front parts of the brain and personality was learned. It was known that the complex functions of decision- making and social cognition depend upon the frontal lobes.(4)
3. Describe in detail brain plasticity and why it is so important for our development.
Brain plasticity refers to the ability of the...

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