Answer To: Practice frameworks in contexts 2020, 2 Important information there are four mini essay you need to...
Sarabjeet answered on Oct 05 2021
Running Head: CPD
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Activity – 1 Person – Centered Practice and Disability 3
Introduction 3
1 How does Bourdieu’s concept of physical capital contribute to an understanding of social inequalities? 3
2 How could a person centered approach influence practice with people with disability? 4
Conclusion 5
Activity 2 Critical self-reflection 5
Introduction 5
Discuss the strategies will you use to support your social justice practice approaches? 6
Conclusion 7
Activity 3 Oppression and Privilege Sexuality and Heteronormativity 7
1 Is sexuality genetic or a Social construct? 7
2 To what extent does our society privilege heterosexuality? 8
How can heteronormativity be oppressing? 8
Activity 4 Strengths- Based approaches poverty and inequality 10
1 What are the factors leading to the internalization of oppression? 10
2 How is Social Strengths- based approach influence practice with homeless people? 11
References 13
Activity – 1 Person – Centered Practice and Disability
Pierre Bourdieu (1930-2002) and Jean-Claude Passeron developed his assumption of the cultural capital as attempt to define differences in achievement of education based on social origins: Exclusion is the continuous procedures”. In his theory, the social and cultural form of capital is based on but does not depend on the economic capital possessed Quantity, thus concealing or concealing the reappearance of social hierarchy.
1 How does Bourdieu’s concept of physical capital contribute to an understanding of social inequalities?
Therefore, for Bourdieu, capital, inertia, and domain concepts are generally embedded in power relations, and are part of very complex theory that attempts to define the way in which social inequality appears. Most of the people dispute the helpfulness of the Bourdieu's theory for contemporary research (such as, Burkett's Fine, 2004; Nash's Tooley and Darby, 1999), while others dispute the extent to which he borrowed from the founders of sociology. Some conclusions are that his practical theory is "strongly Weberian, and that his concept is borrowed from Durkheim's work (Pinxten & Lievens, 2014). Nevertheless, for Bourdieu, a social inequality and different access to capital forms part of the individual's body and susceptibility through inertia. Marx believed that “human beings create their own history, nevertheless they do not create history under the circumstances of their own choice, but create history under the circumstances of directly encountering, giving and disseminating the past”: For Bourdieu, individuals are limited by the quantity or quality of the cultural, social and economic capitals they possess: this is ``discrimination in character'', so it is a concern of sociology. In addition, although Durkheim’s collective conscience attempts to define the method in which emotional experience is given meaning, and therefore focuses on collective, for Bourdieu, inertia is an individual’s property (Hayes, 2019).
2 How could a person centered approach influence practice with people with disability?
The human-centered practice method of barrier-free life (hereinafter referred to as the "method") is to provide resources for the board of directors, executive and senior managers, disabled services in the disabled services department, and managers and employees of the company’s functional departments to assist in, a people-oriented approach to communication and delivery. It aims to support the entire organizational approach, human-centered work directly with customers and their support network, LWB staff management, support and capacity building, and capacity building and partnerships with other agencies, funding agencies and communities (Tittenbrun, 2016). The people-centered approach is: ‘the method of commissioning (funding), providing moreover organizing services, which are rooted in listening to people’s needs to help them live in the community as they wish. Not only will people easily be placed in an existing service and expect to adjust, but the service will try to adapt to that person. The people-oriented approach seeks help from mainstream services and community resources, not limited to services provided in professional services (Pinxten & Lievens, 2014). The people-centered approach includes a wide variety of actions at the individual, organizational, community, and systematic levels to promote and support the voices of people with disabilities who are listening and putting them at the center, including: using a series of tools and resources to plan processes Central thinking. Human-centered thinking can be considered as a philosophy, a way of thinking or thinking, including observing, listening and supporting people with disabilities based on their strengths, abilities, ambitions and preferences in order to make meaningful decisions Maintain a meaningful life to them. People-centered thinking is the basis for action in various situations and helps us plan, organize, and understand and connect with the community (Hayes, 2019). It is seen as the basis for people (and organizations) to work with people with disabilities.
In conclusion, when assessing overall practicality of Bourdieu’s main concepts for contemporary theory and research, it’s significant not to forget Bourdieu’s own intentions: Bourdieu’s intention is to use capital, habits and domains as an aid to such empirical research. Derek Robbins argued that Bourdieu "has no sympathy for the mystery of Durkheim's collective conscience," nevertheless it’s a product of "Durkheimian Heritage, Enough to motivate a positive and unified future society depend on equality. The people-centered program puts people with disabilities at the center of the program, listens deeply to them and their family and friends, understands their current and future needs in life over time, and then takes action. People-oriented planning is the basis for solving problems and negotiating, mobilizing the necessary resources to pursue one's wishes. These resources can be obtained from someone’s own network, service provider, or non-professional and non-service sources.
Activity 2 Critical self-reflection
Involvement in social justice can be overwhelming. There are many reasons why you can fall behind, various moves, tricky vocabulary and famous knowledge-it may make it difficult for you to know where to start.
Discuss the strategies will you use to support your social justice practice approaches?
At present, teachers’ preparations for social justice are conducted throughout internal reflection: reflection on their own character, identity, experience, commitment and belief. In this chapter, I propose...